Chapter 9

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"Eh? M//n-chan's joining our club?"

The ever so enthusiastic captain stared in disbelief, he was more than glad and at the same time he felt like it was a dream. He had to pinch himself in the thigh to check if he is dreaming.

"Yeah, m/n's going to be with us for a while. Treat him well."

Iwaizumi announced, looking at the boy to see his state. Ever since they had their talk, the ace started to look out for m/n.

"Welcome to the team, m/n"

Matsukawa welcomed the boy, his arms was spread out to give the boy a hug and the boy was more than happy to receive the third year's hug. Unbeknownst to the second year, the others glared at Matsukawa, a spite of jealousy coursed through their veins.


M/n greeted, his demeanor seemingly took a 180 turn and became the energetic self. Kyotani's eye brow twitched at the nickname given to him by his peer but still complied.


"I'm your teammate now!"

He beamed, grabbing the grumpy one's hand, putting it close to him seemingly oblivious to the heat emitting from the boy's cheeks.

Oikawa looked at the scene in disbelief once more, he pondered as to why aren't they receiving the same energy whenever m/n sees kyotani or kunimi.

He rubbed massaged his forehead as he think of a possible explanation for the sudden difference between the boy's vibe. As if Hanamaki had read their captain's mind he answered his burning question.

"It's because he isn't used to us, atleast that's how i see it. Give him time, he'll come around."

Hanamaki spoke, striking a pose as if he was some kind of teacher who's pointing at the board with letters written on it.

Matsukawa questioned himself about this as well, not that he was disappointed but he was intrigue. He can't get him out of his mind ever since their interaction back at the arcade.

Iwaizumi had his own research going on in his head as well, thinking of possible answers as to what were they doing wrong, as much as possible they want to welcome the boy and make him comfortable. Wanting to know more about the boy as time went on.

Hanamaki was the only one who had an answer out of all of them. He made it his goal to make the boy show his true self to him, if he'd let him of course. He wants to leave seijoh with a memory he'll forever cherish, and hanamaki would like m/n to be apart of those memories.

As they pondered on their thoughts, the infamous boy is currently doting on his two clients. Like previously stated, he is a tutor of their.

"Kunimi! I missed you, how's your mom?"

Kunimi who was in a bad mood seemingly changed into a pleasant one, making kindaichi question his sanity if he really was seeing things or not.

"She's doing fine"

Kunimi smiled, as he began stretch. A satisfying crunch sound was made in every stretch he does, making m/n wince a bit.

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