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Naomi sits in Jasper's car as he drives her home from school "I don't need my gift to be tell you're anxious

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Naomi sits in Jasper's car as he drives her home from school "I don't need my gift to be tell you're anxious." he remarks. "I haven't seen Bella in three years. We've never got along and now she's moved here and I'm scared that my dad is going to get caught in our crossfires." Naomi tells her mate. "Just be your loving self, maybe Bella has changed. Beside Darlin, you call or text me and I'll be there in a heartbeat." Jasper assures her holding her hand and kissing it as he drives. "You may be fast but you're not that fast." Naomi smiles. "Alright, maybe two or three heart beats?" Jasper asks her. "I'd say about five. Although depends on my heart rate." Naomi responds. Jasper chuckles as he pulls up to the Swan residence "I better go. I can hear Billy Black with his son. Leave your window open and message me when you're heading to bed." Jasper tells her giving her a kiss. "I will and you'll be her between two and six heartbeats." Naomi smiles making him chuckle. "I'll see you tonight." he tells her a she climbs out his car. "Tonight." Naomi smiles before heading to the house and waving him off.

Walking into the house she puts her bag by the stairs and walks into the kitchen to find her dad "Hey Sweetheart. Your sister's upstairs." Charlie greets. Naomi nods as she hears an old engine pull into the driveway "That'll be Billy and Jacob." her dad tells her. The two of them walk outside and Naomi grins as she runs over to Jacob who easily catches her and spins her "Jakey!" she exclaims. "Mimi!" Jacob responds. Naomi smiles and jumps down from Jacob to hug his dad "Hey Billy." "Hi Naomi." Billy smiles. Just then Naomi hears the door close making her turn to see Bella walk outside "Bella, you remember Billy Black." Charlie tells Bella who stands there awkwardly. "Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming." Billy smiles. "Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill." Charlie responds. "Right after I ram you in the ankles." Billy retorts taking several rolls at Charlie, who dodges.

Naomi laughs as Jacob shakes his head at their two fathers, shyly approaching Bella "I'm Jacob. We made mud pies together when we were little kids." he smiles. "Yeah... I think I remember..." Bella trails off before looking at Charlie and Billy who are still play fighting in the road "Are they always like this?" she asks. "It's getting worse with old age." Jacob responds. Charlie walks back over and pats the hood of the truck "So what do you think of your homecoming gift?" he asks Bella. "No way. The truck is for me?" Bella asks. "Just bought it off Billy, here." Charlie tells her. "I rebuilt the engine and-" Jacob starts. "It's perfect!" Bella cuts him off with a grin. The two of them climb in the truck "See, I told you she'd love it. I'm down with the kids." Billy tells Charlie. "Oh, yeah, dude. You're the bomb." Charlie responds. Naomi laughs "Please stop!" she groans. Charlie laughs and puts an arm round her "You alright?" he asks. "Yeah, she hasn't spoken to me yet though." she responds. "Give it time." Billy tells her making her nod.

Later that afternoon Naomi sits at her desk as she finishes her homework, getting up she heads downstairs to find her dad and Bella in the living room "Dad, is it okay if I go see Jaz for a couple hours? I need help with my math homework." she asks. "Yeah be back between ten and eleven as it's a school night." Charlie tells her. "I will dad. Don't worry about food, I'll eat round there." she says grabbing her bag. "Alright, drive safe." Charlie reminds her. "Yes Chief." she jokes walking out the door. Climbing in her car she starts driving, listening to music as she does. Pulling up to the house, Jasper walks out to meet her "Hey Darlin." he smiles, gently kissing her. "Hey, I need help with my math. Dad told me to be back by eleven at the latest, so after I can spend time just us." Naomi tells him. "We'll, let's go finish your math work." Jasper smiles. He quickly picks her up and speeds her up to his room, Naomi laughs slightly "One sec." she tells him walking to his door and sticking her head out "Hey everyone." she calls, hearing laughter downstairs. Walking back in properly she see Jasper laughing slightly "Come on math, then food, then movie." he tells her.

Naomi finishes her math and smiles "Done?" she asks as Jasper looks at it. "Done." he confirms. The two of them get up and walk downstairs "I need to feed the human." Jasper jokes as they find Esme in the kitchen. "I've just finished making food for you, it's stir fry." Esme smiles. "Sorry Jaz, Esme is now my favourite vampire." Naomi tells her boyfriend. "Rude." Jasper pouts. "Make me pudding at you might get bumped back up to favourite." Naomi jokes as Esme passes her a bowl of food. "You just want me to cook." he smiles. "Obviously." Naomi shrugs. As they laugh Rosalie walks in the room "Hey Nomes." the blonde greets. "Hey Rose." Naomi smiles. "I found the dress I was telling you about. You want it now or shall I bring it to school tomorrow?" Rosalie asks her. "I'll take it later when I go home. Wear it tomorrow." Naomi grins. "Nope you're wearing this top with these trousers and shoes." Alice tells her skipping in with a pile of clothes. "Why?" Naomi asks with a smile. "Because your sister is going to be there tomorrow. You need to wear these." Alice responds. "Okay Allie Cat." Naomi smiles as she finishes her food.

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