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The next morning Naomi leans against her car, Jasper standing in front of her smiling down at her when they hear Edward's car pull into the school car park "Great

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The next morning Naomi leans against her car, Jasper standing in front of her smiling down at her when they hear Edward's car pull into the school car park "Great." Naomi mumbles. Jasper tenses slightly making her hold his hands "Let's get to class." she tells him. Nodding Jasper puts his arm round her before leading her to class, Rosalie and Emmett follow after them "Don't believe him!" Rosalie growls. "Really?" Naomi asks making Rosalie shrug in response. "I was hoping." she tells her. Naomi shakes her head "Bella has her claws in, she's not going to let go easily." she sighs, the wind picking up slightly. "Let's ignore them today, we'll sit together at lunch at a different table if Edward brings Bella over." Emmett suggests making them nod. Naomi sighs "I just want things to calm down." she mumbles. "You're not the only one." Rosalie assures her, squeezing her hand. Alice skips over "There's a storm coming in for tomorrow!" she grins. Jasper and Emmett high five while Rosalie smiles "Guessing I'm umpire?" Naomi smirks. "No cheating." Alice teases. "Would I ever? I'm offended you'd insinuate such a thing Ally." Naomi playfully pouts.

The next day Naomi sits in her room doing homework when Rosalie sits next to her "Can I help you?" Naomi asks

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The next day Naomi sits in her room doing homework when Rosalie sits next to her "Can I help you?" Naomi asks. "Can I pick your outfit for the game?" Rosalie asks. "Yes but if Alice comes after me for it I'm sending her your way." Naomi responds. "Fair enough." Rosalie agrees, heading over to Naomi's wardrobe and starting to pick out an outfit. As she does Jasper walk in with a frown in his face "What's wrong?" Naomi asks. "Edward has invited Bella to the game tonight." he tells them. "Great, can't even get away from her in my free time now." Naomi groans. Jasper wraps his arms round her and kisses her head "We don't have to go if you don't want to." he tells her. "No, I'm not letting her ruin the game. We're going." Naomi tells him. Jasper smiles and kisses her head as Rosalie puts the last item of clothing down "There, if Bella is going to be there we are showing that you are one of us." she says showing Naomi the baseball cap with the Cullen 'C' embroidered on the front.

Naomi laughs as she watches Jasper, Emmett and Walter try and hit each other with the baseball from across the field

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Naomi laughs as she watches Jasper, Emmett and Walter try and hit each other with the baseball from across the field. As she does she spots Edward arrive with Bella making the three boys stop and Jasper head over to Naomi. Esme smiles as she greets Bella "Good thing you're here. We need a umpire." she tells her. "She thinks we cheat." Emmett grins using Naomi as an arm rest. "I know you cheat. Call 'em as you see 'em, Bella." Esme smiles. "It's time." Alice calls from the pitcher's mound, as she says it thunder rumbles in the distance. Jasper kisses Naomi on the head before joining Carlisle, Rosalie and Walter at the batter' square. Smiling Naomi walks over wind stands near Esme and Bella as Emmett, Alice and Emmett take their positions, Esme taking hers behind the batter's square. Alice throws the ball at lightening speed making Rosalie smash the ball with the aluminium bat, creating an almighty crash like thunder "Now I get why you need the thunder." Bella comments. The ball shoots into the forest, Edward running after it as Rosalie runs round the bases "That has to be a home run." Bella comments. "Edward's very fast." Esme tells her. Edward runs out the forest and throws the ball to Esme who catches it a millisecond before Rosalie slides in "Yer out?" Bella questions making Esme nod in conformation.

Rosalie growls in annoyance making Naomi grab her hand and pull her to the side as Carlisle goes to take his shot "Come on let's watch our men." Naomi smiles. Smiling Rosalie nods in agreement as Carlisle hits the ball making both Emmett and Edward jump for it at the same time, colliding mid air. Naomi laughs as the two of them fall to the ground laughing aswell, Carlisle making a home run as they do.  Jasper winks at Naomi before going to take his shot, when he does it flies into the forest but before Edward can go after it Alice gasps "Stop! I didn't see them..." she says. Everyone stops and Edward runs to Bella's side, Jasper doing the same with Naomi as the whole family gathers at the home plate "They're traveling so quickly." Alice starts. "You said they left the county." Rosalie says holding Naomi's hand in comfort as Jasper holds onto her. "They did, but then they heard us and changed their minds." Alice explains. Edward looks at Bella "Put your hair down." he tells her. "Like that'll help. I could smell her from across the field." Rosalie says taking off her jacket and swapping it for Naomi's, trying to hide her best friend's scent as Jasper stands protectively next to her. Edward ignores Rosalie as he arranges Bella's hair "I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry." he tells Bella. Naomi rolls her eyes "Thank Rose." she tells her as Jasper wraps his arms round her.

Suddenly all the vampires look up at the forest line before three red eyed vampires walk out seconds later, one male with dark skin and dreads, another male with blonde hair in a pony tail and a red headed female "I believe this belongs to you." the one with dreads says holding up the ball and chucking it to Carlisle who catches it. "Thank you." Carlisle smiles politely. "Could you use three more players?" the one with dreads asks. "Of course." Carlisle responds. "I'm Laurent. This is Victoria. And James." the vamp with dreads introduces. "Would you like to bat first?" Carlisle asks. Laurent picks up a bat as a few of the Cullens take the field, Jasper staying next to Naomi with Rosalie and Edward staying by Bella and the Jeep not to far from them "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us." Carlisle tells Laurent. "Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed." Laurent apologises. "Yes, we maintain a permanent residence." Carlisle explains. The three newcomers look at each other in surprise "Really? Well, we won't be a problem any more." Laurent promises. "The humans were tracking us, but we led them East." Victoria tells them. Just then the wind picks up blowing Bella and Naomi's scent through the air, James stops and turns to look at them both "You brought some snacks." he smirks.

Jasper puts Naomi behind him, growling, as Edward does the same with Bella as James snarls back at them both. The rest of the coven rush and position themselves ready to protect Naomi and Bella if need be "The girls are with us." Carlisle tells the red eyed vampires. "We won't harm them." Laurent says trying to defuse the situation. "Just try it." Emmett growls. "I think it best if you leave." Carlisle says. "Yes, I can see the game is over. We'll go now. James?" Laurent says making James and Edward break eye contact. The three red eyed vampires back out the field and into the forest, James keeping his eyes on Naomi and Bella the whole time "Get Bella out of here. Jasper get Naomi home. We'll follow them." Carlisle says before he, Walter and Esme run into the forest. Jasper picks Naomi up "Close your eyes." he tells her gently. Naomi does so and feels Jasper vamp speed them out the clearing, towards the Cullen's house.

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