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The next day Naomi stands with Bella besides the truck after getting a ride to school because of the ice "I'll get a lift back from Jasper, he's taking me out for a date tonight anyway

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The next day Naomi stands with Bella besides the truck after getting a ride to school because of the ice "I'll get a lift back from Jasper, he's taking me out for a date tonight anyway." she tells Bella. "Okay, does Dad know?" Bella asks. "Yeah, every other Tuesday Jasper will organise a date for us. I better go find him, I told him I'd meet him by the art block as he had to help Alice with something before school." Naomi responds. As she turns to go the sister's hear a screech making them look up to see a dark blue van skidding towards them, Naomi puts Bella behind her as they wait for the impact of the van hitting them. Instead Naomi feels her leg crack, it trapped, as she falls to the floor; looking up she sees her leg stuck between the wheel of the truck and the wheel of the van. As she does Rosalie and Emmett are suddenly by her "Nomes! Stay still, you could have done something to your neck or back." Rosalie tells her as Emmett holds her head still. "Where's Bella!?" Naomi asks. "She's alright, Edward managed to get her out the way properly." Rosalie growls. "Naomi!" they suddenly hear Jasper shout before he's by her side "I should have been here." he tells her, venom in his eyes. "I'm alright Jas." Naomi winces making the three vampires by her look at her "Okay maybe not but I'm alive. Ahh, yeah that hurts." Naomi cries out as people move truck and van away from each other. "Shhh, it's alright Darlin." Jasper soothes. As the ambulance's arrive, so does Charlie "Naomi!" he exclaims seeing his eldest daughter on the floor with three of the Cullen's holding her steady. "I'm alright Dad, is Bella okay?" she asks. "Yeah she's just got a bump on the head." Charlie assures her as the EMTs take over for Emmett and Rosalie. Jasper refuses to move from holding her hand "I'm alright Jas." she tells him. "Go in the ambulance with her. I'll follow in the cruiser, I need to tell Deputy Parrish (A/N: Any Teen Wolf Fans?) to take the statements." Charlie tells Jasper. Nodding Jasper follows Naomi into the back of the ambulance and holds her hand as they travel to the hospital.

Naomi gets wheeled into the emergency room after having x-rays done, strapped to the bed and unable to move "Jas, can you get Carlisle to be my Doctor? I don't like the others." Naomi asks. "No need to ask." Carlisle says appearing in the doorway and unstrapping her neck and body "You just need a cast as you've got a nasty break in you leg, I can do it if you feel more comfortable. Before you ask your sister is fine, just a mild concussion." he tells Naomi. "Thanks Carlisle." Naomi smiles as Charlie walks in the room. "How are you Sweetheart?" he asks, kissing her head. "Just a broken leg, I'm fine dad. Edward managed to push me mostly out the way before anything worse happened." Naomi assures him. Jasper frowns slightly behind Charlie's back making her roll her eyes "I just need to put Naomi's leg in a cast and she's good to go home." Carlisle adds noticing Charlie's apprehensive look. "Thank you Doc." Charlie nods before turning to look at Naomi "I'm going to take your sister home and then come back for you." he tells her. "I can give her a ride Charlie, save you missing more work. Rosalie followed with my car, Emmett and the others in his. I can drive her home once my siblings have checked on her aswell." Jasper suggests. "Thank you Jasper. Make sure to drop by your place aswell, Esme is sure to be worried about her aswell." Charlie agrees. Jasper nods "Yes, I messaged her earlier and she was quite worried." he responds.

Charlie chuckles and kisses Naomi's head "I'll see you at home." he tells her, leaving the room. Carlisle smiles "I'll be back in a few minutes to sort your cast." he tells Naomi before leaving aswell. Jasper immediately sits next to Naomi on the bed and nuzzles into her neck "I thought I'd lost you when I heard the crash, almost used my super speed to get to you." he mumbles into her hair. "I'm right here Jas, it'll take more than a van to take me down." Naomi assures him as she wraps her arms round him in a tight embrace. Jasper nods and pulls away, kissing her softly "I can't loose you Darlin, I'd go mad. I love you so much." he tells her. Naomi smiles "I love you too." she tells him. Carlisle walks back in "I guessed you'd want a black cast. Also Rosalie and Emmett got you some clothes to change into after." he tells Naomi who smiles and nods.

Jasper helps Naomi out the car and throws their bags over his shoulder before carrying her up the steps and into the Cullen's house, Esme comes out the kitchen "Naomi, are you alright?" she asks as Jasper sits her on the sofa

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Jasper helps Naomi out the car and throws their bags over his shoulder before carrying her up the steps and into the Cullen's house, Esme comes out the kitchen "Naomi, are you alright?" she asks as Jasper sits her on the sofa. "I'm fine Esme, just a broken leg and a mild concussion." Naomi assures her. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Esme asks her. "If you don't mind." Naomi smiles. Esme nods "I'll go make you some pasta." she tells her before leaving to go into the kitchen. Jasper puts his arms round Naomi and holds her close "What do you want to do?" he asks kissing her head. "Movie?" Naomi asks looking at him. "Anything for you, I'll go get some movies for you to choose from." Jasper smiles. Naomi kisses him before he stands and speeds off, coming back with a stack of dvds "Which one?" he asks her, handing her the stack. Naomi grins as she grabs one, turning it so he can see the case "Really? Lost Boys?" he asks her. "Yep, who doesn't love vampire movies?" Naomi grins making Jasper chuckle and kiss her head before putting it on.

A couple hours later the rest of the Cullen siblings walk in the house, Rosalie sitting next to Naomi "How's your leg Nomes?" she asks. "It's alright, Carlisle gave me some pain meds to take for the pain. Jasper's been watching movies with me so I'm all good." Naomi responds. Emmett looks at the case "Lost Boys?" he questions. "Who doesn't love Kiefer Sutherland?" Naomi counters. "She has a point." Rosalie says making Alice nod in agreement. "But really, vampire movie?" Walter asks. Naomi shrugs "Why not?" she counters. Jasper smiles and kisses her head "I need to get you home, Charlie will start wondering where you are." he tells her. Naomi nods "Let's go, I'll see you guys at school tomorrow." she tells the others. "Don't forget we have the trip next week." Alice tells her. Naomi groans "I forgot about that." she sighs. "Which is why I'm reminding you now. Also I've put some skirts for you to wear in Jasper's car, no arguments I've already seen you in them." Alice smiles. "Thanks Allie Cat." Naomi responds, Jasper picking her up and carrying her to the car.

Jasper pulls up to the Swan residence and helps Naomi out the car, handing her her crutches and carrying her bag for her. As they get up to the door Charlie opens it "Thank you for looking after her Jasper." he says as he lets them in the house. "It's no problem at all Charlie. I would do anything for Naomi." Jasper responds. Naomi smiles "Pick me up tomorrow?" she asks him. "Of course Darlin." he smiles kissing her head "If you need anything Esme said she'll come round and help." he adds looking at Charlie. "Thank you Jasper. Pass my thanks onto Esme aswell." Charlie smiles. Jasper nods "I'll pick you up at eight." he tells Naomi before leaving. Naomi sits on the sofa, Charlie sitting next to her "Billy and Jacob want you to call them. I told them what happened and they want to check on you themselves." he tells her. "I'll call them after dinner. Where's Bella?" Naomi asks. "Upstairs asleep. You want me to order take out for dinner?" Charlie questions. "Sounds good Dad." Naomi nods.

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