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Naomi walks into Sam's house to find the whole pack there, including Seth and Leah who shifted after their dad died and Quil who shifted soon after "Naomi!" Emily smiles

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Naomi walks into Sam's house to find the whole pack there, including Seth and Leah who shifted after their dad died and Quil who shifted soon after "Naomi!" Emily smiles. "Hi." Naomi responds hugging her. Sam stands up and hugs her "How was Alaska?" he asks. "Good, though the last night was the best." Naomi responds, putting her left hand to her face casually. Emily squeals "Oh My God!" she smiles hugging her. The boys look at each other in confusion making Leah shake her head "Look at her left hand idiots." she tells them. Sam looks and spots the rings making him smile "I'm so happy for you." he tells her. The others look and realise at the same time "You got engaged!" Seth grins hugging her. Naomi laughs "Really? Hadn't noticed." she tells them sarcastically. Jacob hugs Naomi "I'm happy for you Mimi." he tells her. "Thanks Jakey." she responds. "Does this mean we get to see Sam threaten Jasper?" Embry asks. "Maybe." Sam smirks. "Sammy!" Naomi whines. "You're my little sister it's my job." Sam smiles. Naomi rolls her eyes "Emily, Leah, will you both be one of bridesmaids?" she asks. "Of course!" Emily smiles. "I'd love to." Leah adds. "Who are your other bridesmaids gonna be?" Quil asks. "Alice and then Rosalie is going to be my Maid of Honour." Naomi responds. "What about Bella?" Jacob asks. "After what she did?" Naomi questions making Jacob shrug. Naomi shakes her head "I've got to head off, I'll see you guys in a bit." she tells the pack.

Later that day Naomi sits watching tv with her dad "I'm really happy for you Sweetheart." Charlie smiles. "Thanks dad." Naomi smiles back. "Have you told your mum yet?" Charlie asks. "Not yet, she hasn't spoken to me since I was in Phoenix last." Naomi responds. "I'll tells her if you want? Explain why you didn't want to tell her yourself." Charlie suggests. "It's alright dad, I'll call her when I get home." Naomi tells him. Just then Bella walks in from what Naomi assumes was school "Bella." Charlie greets. "Hey dad. Naomi what are you doing here?" Bella asks. "Came to see dad after my trip to Alaska this weekend." Naomi responds. Bella nods and sits down "Your sister actually has so pretty amazing news." Charlie tells Bella. "What is it?" Bella asks intrigued. "Jasper proposed on our way back yesterday." Naomi smiles, showing Bella the ring. "What? Dad don't you think she's a bit young?" Bella asks. "Naomi is older than you Bella, besides Jasper makes her happy. He also asked for my blessing so if I didn't like it I would have said then." Charlie responds. Bella rolls her eyes and storms out the room making Naomi look down slightly "I'll talk to her." Charlie tells his eldest. "Okay, I need to be off anyway. Alice and Rosalie have got a bit excited and bought loads of bridal magazines for me to go through with them." Naomi responds. "Don't forget to call your mother." Charlie reminds her. "I won't." Naomi smiles, kissing his cheek before leaving.

Alice smiles as she holds up a book "What about this one?" she asks. "I love the lace sleeves." Naomi smiles. "What colours do you want?" Rosalie asks. "Purple and Red with Black accents." Naomi tells her making her nod. Naomi smiles at Jasper as he walk in, smiling back he walks over and kisses her softly "How's it going?" he asks. "Alice and Rosalie are helping me write my yes no list." Naomi responds. "Things she likes and doesn't." Alice clarifies making Jasper nod. "What about bridesmaids?" Rosalie asks her. "Emily and Leah have already said yes, Alice I would love you to also be a bridesmaid. As for you Rosalie, be my Maid of Honour?" Naomi asks. "Yes I'd love to." Rosalie responds. "I would love to be your bridesmaid." Alice adds smiling. Naomi smiles and nods "I'll be back in a minute. I need to ring my mother." she tells them before walking onto the balcony. Pulling out her phone she call her mum "Hello?" Renee picks up. "Hey mum." Naomi says. "Hi Naomi, what you calling for?" Renee asks. "I have some news I want to share. Jasper and I are engaged." Naomi tells her. "Oh, wow. Are you sure about this? I mean think how hard it'll be for Bella. She broke up with Edward and now you're marrying into his family." Renee tells her. "I'm 100 per cent sure about this. Jasper and I have been dating for nearly three years now, I've know the Cullen's a lot longer than Bella. Besides this isn't about her, it's about me." Naomi responds. "Well I don't think it's very fair on your sister." Renee tells her. "I don't care what you think. I don't know why I called anymore, I thought you'd be happy." Naomi tells her mum. "Happy that my ex's daughter is getting married?" Renee asks. "Wh-what do you mean?" Naomi asks. "Has your father never told you? You're not my daughter, he had you already when we got married. You're the product of a one night stand." Renee responds.

Naomi hangs up and bursts into tears; Jasper immediately rushes out sensing her emotions "What's wrong Darlin?" he asks her. Naomi shakes her head and buries her face in his chest, Jasper looks at Edward "Naomi, so you want me to say?" Edward asks, reading her mind. Naomi nods in response "She just found out that Renee isn't her mother." Edward explains. "I-I need to talk to dad." Naomi cries. "In a minute, calm down first." Jasper tells her, sending a wave of calm to her to help her. Slowly Naomi calms before pulling out her phone and calling her dad "Hey Sweetheart." Charlie answers. "Why didn't you tell me that Renee isn't my mother?" Naomi asks, not giving him a greeting. "I was going to tell you once you graduated." Charlie responds. "Who's my mum?" Naomi questions. "Allison Uley." Charlie tells her. "Sam's mum." Naomi realises. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. I didn't want you to hate me." Charlie tells her. "I could never hate you dad. I'm just upset that Renee told me the way she did. I'll see you tomorrow." Naomi tells him. "Okay Sweetheart." Charlie tells her. Naomi looks at Jasper "I'm going to see Sam, I'll see you later." she tells him. Jasper nods and kisses her "It'll work out." he tells her.

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