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Naomi climbs out the car onto crunchy snow, Jasper wrapping her parka round her making her smile "Thanks babe

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Naomi climbs out the car onto crunchy snow, Jasper wrapping her parka round her making her smile "Thanks babe." she tells him, pecking his lips. Smiling, Jasper gets there bags out the back before taking her hand in his and leading her to the front door. A blonde with curled hair opens the door "Jasper." she smiles. "Hello Tanya, this is my mate Naomi. Naomi this is Tanya." Jasper smiles. "It's lovely to finally meet you." Naomi tells her. "You too, please come inside. My sisters, Carmen and Eleazar are in the living room." Tanya responds. Naomi walks in and follows Tanya and Jasper through into the living room "Jasper!" a blonde with straight blonde hair smiles. "Kate." Jasper greets. "Jasper, I'm so glad that you and your mate have come to see us." a man with brown hair tells him. "It was Naomi's idea." Jasper tells them, kissing Naomi's hair. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Eleazar, this is my mate Carmen. You have already met Tanya, these are her sister Kate and Irina." the man introduces. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. Carlisle and the others speak very highly of you." Naomi smiles. Kate smiles "Come, I'll show you to your room." she tells her, offering her hand. "Kate." Jasper warns. "Yeah yeah, no powers. I wasn't going to, I like her." Kate responds taking Naomi's hand "See." she says before leading Naomi out. Naomi smiles "Sorry about Jaz, he's a bit on edge because of Victoria." she tells Kate. "It's understandable. You are his mate after all." Kate responds.

Kate leads Naomi into a room with a window the length of the wall, giving her a view of the snowy forest next to the house "Woah, the view is truly beautiful." Naomi smiles. "I'm glad you like it, Esme mentioned that this would be your favourite room last time they were here." Kate tells her. "She tends to have a knack for that sort of thing." Naomi chuckles. "That she does." Kate agrees. "So, what sort of thing do you enjoy doing?" Naomi asks her. "Painting mostly but I also do a lot of reading." Kate responds. "I would love to see some of your paintings while I'm here." Naomi tells her. "I'll let you freshen up and then I can show you my art room." Kate tells her. "I'd like that." Naomi nods with a smile. Kate smiles and leaves, letting Naomi get freshened up after the car journey; as she does Jasper walks in and wraps his arms round her waist "Can I help you?" she smiles. "Maybe." Jasper tells her. Naomi turns to face him and kisses him with a smile "I love you." she tells him. "I love you too Darlin." Jasper responds, kissing her again.

As the weekend comes to an end Naomi sits with Carmen, Kate and Tanya watching Eleazar and Jasper play a game of chess "So, what's the plan after you graduate?" Carmen asks

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As the weekend comes to an end Naomi sits with Carmen, Kate and Tanya watching Eleazar and Jasper play a game of chess "So, what's the plan after you graduate?" Carmen asks. "I haven't thought much about it to be honest." Naomi responds. Tanya looks over and sees Jasper smiling lovingly as he watches Naomi "I'm sure you'll something will happen that'll make you decide." she tells her, sending Jasper a knowing look. Naomi nods and smiles as Jasper checkmates Eleazar "We better be heading off." Jasper tells her. "Yeah, especially if we're going to get back in time." Naomi agrees. "You could always have a day off. Charlie told you he didn't mind." Jasper reminds her. "That's true. I'll see how tired I am." Naomi tells him. "Good. I'll go put our bags in the car." Jasper smiles, kissing her head. "You'll have to come back up once you've graduated. We need to go back to that book shop we found." Kate tells her. "I'm definitely coming back soon." Naomi promises. Jasper walks back in and wraps an arm round Naomi "You ready?" he asks. "Yep." she responds. Kate, Tanya and Carmen pull Naomi into a group hug "I put some food in your back pack for you." Carmen tells her. "Thank you Carmen." Naomi smiles. "I'm sorry about Irina, we don't know where she went." Tanya apologises. "It's alright Tanya. I'll meet her properly next time we visit." Naomi tells her. 

As Jasper drives he looks across to Naomi and smiles "What?" Naomi asks him. "Just wondering how I got so lucky to have you." he tells her. "I'm the lucky one." she tells him. Looking out the window Naomi gasps as she sees the Northern Lights, smiling Jasper pulls over "Come on." he tells her, climbing out the car. Naomi smiles and does the same, leaning into Jasper as they watch the lights in the sky "They're gorgeous." she comments. "Nothing compares to you though." Jasper tells her making her blush. Jasper pulls away and pulls a box out of his pocket making Naomi look at him "Darlin, I have waited for you for so many years. You are the most kind hearted person I have ever met, you make the world a brighter, better place every time you smile. I want to spend forever with you but let's start with now. Naomi Catherine Swan, will you make me the happiest person in the world and marry me?" he asks, getting down on one knee. Naomi cries and nods "Yes, I will." she tells him. Jasper smiles and puts the ring on her finger before kissing her "I love you." he tells her. "I love you too." she responds. Just then Naomi's phone starts ringer making them laugh "How much do you want to bet it's Alice?" Naomi asks. "I think anyone who bet against that would lose." Jasper smiles. Naomi answers the call "Oh My God! When you get back we need to start planning everything!" Alice squeals making them laugh. "Alice, you did not just ring them up!" they hear Rosalie exclaim. "Maybe." Alice tells her. Naomi laughs at her friends "I'll see you when we get back." she tells them before hanging up. Jasper smiles and kisses her again "Shall we get home?" he asks. "Let's. We need to tell dad." Naomi responds. "No need, I asked for his blessing weeks ago." Jasper tells her. Naomi smiles at him at gives him a kiss "What did he say?" she asks. "He was really happy. Said he didn't want anyone else for you and that he'll be happy to call me his son in law." Jasper responds. "Told you he liked you." Naomi tells him. "Mhm, it's Cameron and the Pack I'm worried about." Jasper says. "Yeah, they might threaten you a bit." Naomi nods. "I know." Jasper nods. "Especially Sam and Cameron." Naomi adds.

" Naomi adds

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