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(30 weeks)

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(30 weeks)

Naomi sits on the sofa, her legs curled round to the side as she reads "Why are you still up?" Jasper asks, walking in from his late night hunt. "Mhm, the babies are very... active." Naomi responds, closing her book and kissing Jasper as he joins her on the sofa. Jasper smiles slightly and places a hand on Naomi's baby bump as he gently pulls her into his side, kissing her temple "Try and get some sleep Darlin." he tells her. Naomi now and leans into him, closing her eyes and trying to fall asleep when a sudden pain shoots through her "Jasper...something's wrong." she whimpers, putting a hand on her bump. "I'll call Carlisle." Jasper tells her, immediately getting his phone out. Naomi grits her teeth and holds Jasper's hand tightly as he put the phone to his ear "Carlisle, something's wrong...Naomi's in a lot of pain...okay...I'll bring her now..." Jasper hangs up. "Wh-what did he say?" Naomi asks. "I need to get you to the house, he's going to meet us there." Jasper responds. Naomi nods as she lets out a whimper in pain, Jasper gently picks her up and speeds her to the main house "Carlisle already called, get her up to his office." Esme tells him as he enter the house.

Jasper gently lies Naomi on the bed in Carlisle's office "Jasper..." Naomi whimpers. "I'm here Darling. I'm right here." Japser soothes, holding her hand. Naomi cries out as she feels liquid pooling under her, Jasper tries to hide his panic as he sees blood pooling round her as Rosalie rushes in "Call Carlisle!" he tells her. "I already am." Rosalie assures her. Naomi whimpers, struggling to keep her eyes open "Hey, Darling, keep your eyes open!" Jasper tells her, gently cupping her face. "Carlisle, she's losing a lot of blood...o-okay...yes...okay just hurry!" Rosalie exclaims. "What did he say?" Jasper asks. "He said her placenta has detached, we need to do a c-section." Rosalie explains, grabbing stuff from the draws as she talks. "Jasper...Sam..." Naomi mumbles. "Emmett's already called him. He's nearly here, I can hear him outside." Jasper tells her, moving her hair out her face. Naomi nods weakly, Sam running in seconds later "Naomi!" he exclaims rushing to her side, standing opposite Jasper and holding her other hand. Rosalie quickly connects an IV and puts morphine through it, Naomi cries out "Get them out!" she shouts. "Wait for the morphine to spread." Sam tells her gently. "No, now! Need to get out! They're suffocating!" Naomi cries, shaking her head.

Jasper looks at Rosalie who nods "Talk to her, try and distract her." Rosalie tells Sam and Jasper, grabbing a scalpel . "Naomi, focus on me and Sam." Jasper tells her. Naomi screams in pain as Rosalie starts "Shh, focus on us Nae." Sam soothes, gently running a hand through her hair. "Jasper, I need you to be ready to take the first one." Rosalie tells him. Jasper nods and grabs a towel, ready to take the first baby. Naomi screams again, leaning her head into Sam's hand "Here." Rosalie says, passing Jasper the first screaming baby. "It's one of the boys Naomi." Jasper tells her. Naomi smiles weakly "Jackson Harper." she tells him, looking at the baby boy. Jasper smiles and gently wraps Jackson up "Jasper." Alice calls from the doorway. Walking over he gently passes Jackson over to her "I'll send Esme to get the next one." Alice tells him before leaving. Naomi whimpers, feeling her eyes closing slightly "Hey hey hey, eyes open Nae." Sam tells her gently. Rosalie passes Jasper the second screaming triplet "Flynn Asher." Jasper smiles. Naomi smiles "Our second baby boy." she says quietly, watching Jasper gently wrap Flynn up. Esme walks in and gently takes Flynn "I'll go get him cleaned up." she tells Japser.

Naomi squeezes Sam's hand as Rosalie pulls the final triplet out "Athena Angel." Jasper smiles, gently hold the snuffling baby. "She's beautiful." Naomi smiles weakly, black round the edges of her vision. "I'll go get her cleaned up and with her brothers." Rosalie smiles, gently taking Athena from Jasper. Naomi nods weakly before going limp, her head falling out the side "Nae?! Naomi!" Sam exclaims, not hearing her heartbeat. "No no no." Jasper mumbles, rummaging through the draws as Sam starts CPR. "Come on Nae, come back to us. Please Naomi." Sam tells her. Jasper grabs a large syringe and moves Sam's hands out the way, stabbing it into Naomi's heart "Keep going." he tells Sam. Nodding, Sam carries on doing CPR knowing that the syringe was full of Jasper's venom "Please Naomi, please just give us something." he pleads. Jasper bites into Naomi's wrists and neck, trying to get more of his venom into her system. Sam sobs slightly as he keeps going "Please please please." he mumbles as he pushes the venom through Naomi's body. Jasper freezes slightly "Sam...listen." he says. Sam stops as he he hears Naomi's heart fluttering in her chest "She..." he trails off, a relieved sob leaving him. Jasper nods, relief across his face as he gently kisses Naomi's hand "It's working." he tells Sam.

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