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Naomi sits in Alice's room as Alice does her make up and Rosalie does her hair, Emily doing Leah's hair next to her

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Naomi sits in Alice's room as Alice does her make up and Rosalie does her hair, Emily doing Leah's hair next to her. Bree skips in wearing a dressing gown of her own and sits the other side of Naomi "I made sure everything's in place Aunt Alice." she smiles. "Thank you Bree." Alice responds. "Girls?" Allison calls. "In here mum." Naomi calls back. "Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful. Oh, honey. Crap! My mascara." Allison cries. "Mum!" Naomi exclaims. Alice hands Allison a handkerchief "Thanks. Charlie, get in here." she calls. "You sure? I don't wanna..." Charlie trails off as walks in wearing his tux "I know. I look hot." he jokes. "Sam's on his way up aswell." Allison tells Naomi. As she says that Sam pokes his head in "Room for one more?" he asks. Naomi smiles at her brother "Hey Sammy." she greets. Sam smiles "You look beautiful already Nae." Sam tells her. "Okay. Time for the dress! Do you wanna see it?" Alice asks Allison. "I want to see it!" Allison smiles. Charlie and Sam smile at Allison's excitement "Just to warn you Bella's brought Renee as her plus one." Charlie sighs. Naomi bites her lip but shakes her head "I'm not letting them ruin my day." she tells him. "I'm so proud of you sweetheart." Charlie smiles. "We both are." Sam adds, kissing Naomi's forehead. Emily smiles at the siblings as she walks over "Okay, you two out. It's time for us to get in our dresses." she tells Sam and Charlie. "We'll see you downstairs." Sam tells Naomi before he and Charlie leave.

(Dresses, Tuxes and decorations in the next chapter)

Naomi bites her lip as Charlie and Sam join her "Breathe Nae." Sam smiles. Naomi smiles as they both gently hug her "You look beautiful sweetheart." Charlie tells her. "You ready?" Sam asks her. "Yeah. Never been so ready in my life." Naomi responds. "Come on then." Charlie smiles. Naomi takes their arms and let's them lead her down the aisle, smiling as she sees Jasper waiting at the end for her. As they reach Jasper Sam and Charlie kiss her cheeks before going to take their places, Jasper take Naomi's hand in his and smiles at her making her smile in response "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Jasper Whitlock Hale and Naomi Catherine Swan. Please repeat after me. I, Jasper Whitlock Hale. Take you, Naomi Catherine Swan. To have and to hold. For better or for worse. For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health. To love. To cherish. As long as we both shall live." the minister says. Jasper copies before the Minister gets Naomi to say the same. Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the minister asks Jasper. "I do." Jasper smiles. "Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the minister asks Naomi. "I do." Naomi smiles. "Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." the minister tells Jasper. "I love you." Jasper tells Naomi. "I love you too." Naomi responds. Jasper cups Naomi's cheek and kisses her, Naomi's hand going to his shoulders as everyone claps.


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Smiling Naomi stands in Jasper's arms as they greet all the guests, the Denali's walks over making Naomi and Kate squeal slightly as they embrace "Congratulations!" Kate grins. "Thank you Kate." Naomi responds before hugging the other members of the coven. "Jasper, Naomi, this Henry, he joined our coven a few months ago." Eleazar introduces. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Jasper tells them. "You too. Congratulations on your union." Henry responds. "Thank you." Naomi smiles. "We'll let you talk to your other guests." Tanya smiles before the coven walks off. Jasper kisses Naomi's temple as Billy comes over with Sue "Congratulations Naomi." Billy smiles. "Thank you Billy." Naomi smiles hugging her uncle before hugging Sue. As they hug the pack walks over, each of them taking it in turns to hug Naomi "Congrats you two." Jared smiles. "Thanks guys. I'm glad you could all come." Naomi smiles. "Sam gave us all the day off so we could all come." Paul explains. "Probably scared of what you'd say if he didn't." Embry jokes. "And so he should." Naomi grins. Seth looks across the room at Bree and freezes making Naomi smile "Bree, come here." she calls. Bree nods and skips over "Hey mum, dad." she whispers, the pack hearing. "This is the pack that Sam is alpha of. Seth here is around the same age, I was wondering is you would keep him company for a bit." Naomi explains. "Sure. Hi Seth I'm Bree." Bree smiles. "It's amazing to meet you." Seth blushes. "We better go find our seats." Sue tells the pack who nod and disperse. Jasper smiles "I'm glad it was Seth." he tells Naomi. "Me too, he's a sweet kid." Naomi agrees, kissing Jasper softly.

The Cullen's walk over "I'm so happy to finally call you my daughter in law." Esme tells Naomi. "I'm glad to call you my mother in law aswell." Naomi responds. Just then Bella and Renee walk over, Edward rolls his eyes as Bella tries to making her boobs bigger in the dress she's wearing "Hi." Bella smiles. "Hello Bella." Alice smiles as the others nod. "You remember my mum Renee." Bella says. "Of course." Esme smiles, trying to be nice. "You have a lovely home." Renee tells them. "Thank you. We better be off to our table, we'll talk again later Naomi." Esme smiles. Naomi nods and hugs each of them before they walk off. Jasper wraps his arm round Naomi's waist and kisses her head "Congrats Naomi." Bella says stiffly. "Thank you Bella. I'm happy you could make it." Naomi smiles, trying to be the bigger person in their situation. "Too bad Bella wasn't a bridesmaid." Renee remarks. "I offered, she declined. We have to get to out table now, I'll see you both later." Naomi responds before she and Jasper go to their table where Carlisle, Esme, Allison, Charlie, Sam, Cameron the bridesmaids and groomsmen are all sat. "You alright Sweetheart?" Charlie asks. "I'm good dad. Like I said they won't ruin this day for me." Naomi assure her dad who nods.

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