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Naomi sits with Sam on the beach watching the pack, minus Jacob, mess around "You ready to graduate?" Sam asks

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Naomi sits with Sam on the beach watching the pack, minus Jacob, mess around "You ready to graduate?" Sam asks. "Sure am Sammy." Naomi responds with a smile. Sam smiles and nudges her playfully making her do it back, the two of them playfully keep judging each other til Naomi pushes Sam into the sand and jumps up before running off "Get back here Nae!" Sam exclaims running after her. Naomi laughs as she runs and jumps onto Jared's back "Save me Jare!" she squeals. Jared laughs and stands in front of her "You shall not get the Princess!" he exclaims. Naomi glares "Bitch please, I'm not Princess. I'm the Mother Effing Queen." she tells him making the pack laugh. Sam rolls his eyes and grabs Naomi, throwing her over his shoulder "Agh! Jared you failed me! Sammy, put me down!" she exclaims. "No can do Nae." Sam laughs. "Hmph, you're mean." Naomi pouts. "Whatever you say Nae." Sam responds with a chuckle. Just then Jacob appears with Bella who is holding her hand "Naomi, can you take your sister to the Cullen's? She's broken her hand." Jacob asks as Sam puts Naomi back down on the sand. "Sorry can't, spending the day with my some of my brother's and one of my sister." Naomi responds making the pack smile. Bella glares "Then how am I supposed to get there? Edward won't answer my calls!" she asks. "Go to the hospital." Naomi shrugs. "But I'll have to wait ages!" Bella exclaims. "And? It's what normal people have to do." Naomi responds.

Later on Naomi kisses Sam's cheek "Thanks for the day out, see you tomorrow." she smiles climbing out his truck. "Bye Nae." Sam responds. Naomi waves as Sam drives off before walking into the Cullen's house to find Bella walking in from the balcony where she's left Rosalie, frowning Naomi walks over to her sister "What are you doing here?" she asks. "I got Jacob to bring me here." Bella tells her. Naomi rolls her eyes and heads out to the balcony where Rosalie is still stood "You alright?" she asks. "Just relieved how I was changed to explain to Bella why she shouldn't want this life." Rosalie responds. "What about me and Cameron?" Naomi asks. "You're different Naomi. You both have legitimate reasons to want to change, Bella doesn't. She's not even meant to know about this world, if the Voltori find out the whole family could be killed." Rosalie explains. Naomi nods and hugs her best friend "Come on, let's head inside. I found a dress I think you'll like for my wedding." she tells her. Rosalie smiles and pulls Naomi inside "Show me then." she tells her.

Naomi sits between her sister and a random senior as they all listen to Jessica's valedictorian speech "When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up

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Naomi sits between her sister and a random senior as they all listen to Jessica's valedictorian speech "When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president. Or in my case, princess. When we were ten, they asked again and we answered: rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?! This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, it's the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train, and get stuck somewhere chill. Fall in love... a lot. Major in philosophy because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be we won't have to guess. We'll know." she reads out. Slowly everyone starts to go up to receive their diplomas, Naomi goes up after Bella and laughs as the whole pack whoop from the back. Looking at them she smiles as she sees her mum with them, her dad and Billy, she walks off stage and joins the others to the side.

Smiling Naomi gives Jasper a kiss "How does it feel to graduate?" Jasper asks her. "Good." Naomi responds with a smile. Naomi is suddenly grabbed from behind and spun round, she squeals and laughs as she realises that it's Sam "Sammy!" she exclaims. "My Little Sister, the graduate." Sam smiles putting her down. Naomi laughs and hugs her dad "I'm so proud of you Sweetheart." he tells her. "Thanks dad." Naomi responds. She turns to her mum "I'm glad you came." she tells her. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world, I've missed enough of your life already." Alison tells her. Naomi smiles and takes her over to Jasper who is talking to Charlie and Sam "Mum, this is my fiancé Jasper. Jaz this is my mum, Alison." she introduces. "It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am." Jasper tells her. "You too, I'm glad Naomi had someone like you in her life. But please, call me Alison." Alison responds. Jasper smiles "I'm the lucky one, having Naomi in my life." he says putting an arm round Naomi's shoulders. As he does Cameron joins them with Edward "Cameron, I'm so proud of you." Alison tells him. "Thanks Alison." Cameron responds, not looking too happy. Naomi frowns "They a no show?" she asks. Cameron nods "It was a long shot asking them to come." he responds. Charlie puts a hand on his shoulder "It wasn't, they're your parents." he tells him. Cameron gives a shrug making Naomi pull him into a hug "You want to get out of here?" she asks. "Please." he tells her.

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