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A couple weeks later Naomi sits reading while Jasper plays with her hair when her phone starts ringing "Hi Billy

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A couple weeks later Naomi sits reading while Jasper plays with her hair when her phone starts ringing "Hi Billy." she smiles as she answers it. "Hi Naomi, can you come down to the Res? Jacob's just shifted and you can calm him down like no one else." Billy asks. Naomi looks at Jasper who nods "I'll be right there." she tells Billy before hanging up. Jasper kisses her head "Be safe." he tells her. "Sam, Jare, Paul and Emb will be there if need be but it's Jake he wouldn't hurt me on purpose." Naomi responds. "I know." Jasper nods as she leaves. Jumping in her car Naomi drives down to Billy's to find Paul waiting outside waiting for her "He's through the tree line. Sam's trying to cal, him down enough to shift back but he's pretty freaked." Paul explains. Naomi nods and follows Paul through the trees to find Sam's wolf along with Embry's and Jared's stood near a pacing russet wolf "Hey Sammy." she smiles hugging him round the neck before turning to face Jacob's wolf "Jakey." she says making the wolf stop and turn to face her. Jacob's wolf whines and steps back slightly "Hey, it's alright Jakey, you won't hurt me. You just need to calm down and listen to Sam okay?" she tells him softly. Jacob whines making her slowly walk forward and rub his snout "It's alright Jake. Just calm down, you're alright." Naomi says gently. Sam steps forward and nudges Naomi to the side gently, holding a pair of shorts in his mouth "Jake, I'll be over there okay?" she tells him before walking to the side and turning her back.

After a minute Naomi hears footsteps "You can turn round Nae." Sam tells her. Turning round Naomi immediately walks over to Jacob and hugs him, making him hug her back "Why's this happening to me?" he asks. "We'll explain it all when we get back to Sam's house. Promise." Naomi responds as they pull away. Sam nods and puts an arm round Naomi's shoulders "How long can you stay? he asks. "Doesn't matter, Jaz and I don't have anything planned." she responds. "That mean you can make your lasagne tonight?" Paul suddenly asks making the others perk up. Naomi laughs "Yes I'll make lasagne, let me just message Jaz so he knows." she tells them. "He can come down if he wants, same with Rosalie and Emmett." Sam suggests making Naomi smile and nod.
Darlin 💖- Staying for dinner, Sam said the thee of you can come down if you want xxx
Jaz 💗- We'll meet you at Sam and Emily's in half hour xxx
Naomi smiles and puts her phone away "They're going to meet us at yours." she tells Sam. "Let's go." Sam nods. "Who's coming with me in my car?" Naomi asks. "Shotgun!" Paul exclaims. Sam shakes his head "I'll run back to mine with Jacob, explain everything to him." he says. "Okay, we'll meet you there." Naomi now hugging Jacob and Sam before going to her car.

Naomi pulls up to Sam and Emily's place to find Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie walking out the forest "Why'd you run?" Naomi asks in confusion. "We've been finding a scent round forks and La Push recently, we wanted to check to see if there was any fresh trails." Jasper tells her. Naomi frowns but nods as Paul and Emmett start play wrestling in the mud, Rosalie joins Jasper and Naomi "Why does he always get his clothes dirty?" she asks. "Because it's Emmett." Naomi responds. "Good point." Rosalie nods. Sam and Jacob walk out the woods as the two stop messing around "You better clean yourselves off otherwise Emily will have your heads." Naomi says before walking inside. "Naomi?" Emmett asks. "There's spare clothes in the trunk." Naomi tells him while chucking him her car keys. "Thank you." Emmett calls as everyone disappears inside. Jasper wraps an arm round Naomi and kisses her head as they do "Esme called when you were out. She said that she'll call you back tomorrow morning." he tells her. Naomi nods "I miss them." she tells him. "We all do." Jasper smiles sadly. Jacob looks round a bit lost making Naomi walk over "Come on." she tells him, dragging him over. Smiling thankfully, Jacob joins the others as they start placing bets on who's going to win the football match they're watching. Emily walks out the kitchen "I heard you're cooking tonight?" Emily asks. "Paul want my Lasagne." Naomi responds. "I'll give you a hand with it." Emily smiles. "Can I?" Rosalie asks. "Course, the moe the merrier. Besides I need help from both of you to talk about wedding plans." Emily responds.

After eating everyone goes outside so the boys can play soccer in the field behind the house, Naomi sits on a bench with Emily and Rosalie watching and laughing at them "Does Jacob know about not being able to tell Bella?" Rosalie writes on her notes page. "Not sure. Sam said he'll tell him though." Naomi writes back. Just then Jacob starts shaking "What do you mean I can't see Bella anymore?!" he asks. "I guess he just found out." Naomi tells Rosalie. "It's too dangerous Jacob." Sam responds. "More dangerous than Naomi knowing?" Jacob asks. "Naomi is pack. She was there when I first transformed, she helped me calm down enough to transform back. If you're not happy about it talk to your dad about it, he's the one who said she was allowed to know." Sam retorts. Naomi sighs "Why am I always dragged into these arguments about Bella?" she groans as Embry, Jasper and Emmett join them at the bench, Sam having motioned Embry over to Emily incase Jacob shifts. "Fine I will. It's not fair that Naomi knows but Bella doesn't. Bella's right Naomi does get everything." Jacob growls.

At that Sam shifts making Jacob shift, the two of them starting to fight as Naomi rolls her eyes "I'm guessing Bella has been talking shit about me to him." she comments. Jasper growls, his eyes going dark, making Naomi take his hand "I'm alright Major. It doesn't matter what people think about me as long as I have you." she assures him. Jasper calms and nods, kissing her head as Sam pins Jacob down; Naomi shakes her head and climbs onto the table "Enough you two! Sam go transform back. Now! Jacob stop being pissy just because Bella isn't allowed to know. It's the rules. Embry hasn't even told his mum about all of this and you don't see him bitching about it. Now grow up, transform back and talk to your dad if you're that pissed off about it! Life's not fair, get over it!" she shouts. Sam goes into the forest and transforms back, Jacob turning and running in the direction of his house. Naomi climbs down from the table and sits down "Anyone else need to be shouted at?" she asks as Sam sits back down. "Sorry Nae. He pushed me over the edge when he dragged you into it." Sam apologises. "It's alright Sam, he deserved it on all honesty. Besides this way you've proven yourself as Alpha over him." Naomi assures him with a smile. "We'll that was interesting." Emmett comments, getting smacked over the head by Rosalie in response.

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