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The group arrive at the field, Naomi immediately jumping off of Seth's back and into Jasper's arms "Are you alright?" she asks pulling away and cupping his face. Jasper nods and kisses her passionately "What happened?" he asks motioning to her arm. "Edward got pinned to I cut my arm to distract Victoria and Riley. I'm alright, just a scratch." Naomi explains. Jasper nods and kisses her head, Naomi smiles and looks round to see everyone throwing the last of the newborns into the fire. Sam's Wolf trots over making Naomi smile and hug him as he nuzzles her with his snout "Are you and the other's alright?" she asks. Sam nods and licks her cheek making her laugh "Sam!" she pouts making Sam let out a Wolfy laugh. "How long?" Edward asks. "A few minutes. Maybe ten." Alice responds. "They timed their arrival well." Rosalie remarks. "Probably hoping the newborns took a few of us out." Emmett comments. "What's she doing here?" Edward asks looking at a newborn by the fire. "We offered her safe haven if she stopped fighting, she took it." Esme responds. "The pack needs to leave. The Volturi won't honor a truce with the werewolves." Carlisle tells Sam who nods. Naomi looks over at the newborn and notices how young she looks, she starts to walk over making Jasper take her hand "Edward?" Naomi asks. "She's alright, she's just scared." Edward tells Jasper. Nodding Jasper let's Naomi go over to the newborn "Hey Sweetie, I'm Naomi. What's your name?" she asks gently. "B-Bree." the girl responds. "Hi Bree, how old are you?" Naomi asks. "Fifteen." Bree tells her. Naomi smiles sadly and nods "You want to  stand with me and my mate Jasper?" she asks. Bree looks at her with hope and nods, Naomi puts her hand out making Bree take it. Smiling Naomi leads her over to Jasper "Bree, this is Jasper. Jaz, this is Bree." she introduces. "Hi." Bree whispers. Jasper smiles "Pleasure to meet you." he tells her. Naomi smiles and puts an arm round Bree "You don't need to be scared, we're not going to hurt you." she tells her making the teen nod.

Bella looks round "Where's Jacob?" she asks. "There..." Edward motions as Jacob's Wolf walks out from the tree line. Suddenly there is a snarling making everyone turn to see Leah charge at a left over newborn "Leah, don't!" Edward exclaims. Leah gets grabbed by the newborn but Jacob tackles him off her, getting grabbed himself. The newborn crushes Jacob making his howl in agony "Jacob!" Bella and Naomi shout. Naomi turns to Bree "Stay with Jasper, I'll be right back. I just have to make sure that my friend is okay." she tells her. Bree nods and steps closer to Jasper who nods at his mate, Naomi runs over as Sam and Paul finish off the newborn. Jacob who crumples to the ground and shifts back in agony as Carlisle quickly examines him, Naomi gently strokes Jacob's hair "Hold on Jakey, Carlisle is gonna take care of you." she soothes. "The bones on the right half of his body are shattered." the Doctor tells them. The rest of the pack come out the tree line in human form "Jacob, you idiot. I had it." Leah glares. "Leah." Sam shoulder. "I need to set the bones before his accelerated healing kicks in. It's already starting." Carlisle says. "We need to get him out of here. We're not gonna win a fight with the Volturi." Edward tells him. "We'll take him back to Billy's." Sam cuts in. "I'll be there as soon as I can." Carlisle promises. Naomi kisses Jacob's head as Sam, Paul, Jared and Embry gently start to lift him "Take Bella with you. The Volturi can't know about her. Our scents are similar, it should be enough for them to think it's me." Naomi tells them. Bella glares but doesn't argue as Quil grabs her arm and drags her away making Naomi go back over to Bree and Jasper "Will your friend be alright?" Bree asks. "Yeah, he'll be hurt for a bit but he'll be fine." Naomi smiles. Carlisle and Esme smile as they notice the bond growing between Naomi, Jasper and Bree, Edward walks over to them "Tell them she's a new member of our coven. Alice just had a vision." he tells Carlisle who nods.

Alice looks up "They're here." she says making everyone gather in the centre of the field, Bree holding onto Naomi's hand. Four figures walk out onto the field; Naomi recognising them from Carlisle's picture in his study as Jane and Alec, the twins, along with Felix and Demetri "It appears you've done our work for us. Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact." Jane says. "We were lucky." Carlisle responds. "I doubt that." Jane tells them. "It appears we missed an entertaining fight." Alec comments. "Yes. It's not often we're rendered unnecessary." Jane agrees. "If you'd arrived a half hour ago, you would've fulfilled your purpose." Edward tells her. "Pity." Jane deadpans. "Who we the new faces?" Felix asks. "Naomi and Cameron, Jasper and Edward's mates, and Bree, she joined our coven not too long ago after hearing about our diet." Carlisle responds. Jane nods "Make sure they turn soon. Until next time." she says before she and the other members of the Volturi leave. Naomi breathes a sigh of relief and squeezes Bree's hand "You're alright." she tells her. Bree smiles "I can really stay?" she asks Carlisle. The older vampire smiles and nods "You're one of us now." he confirms. Naomi smiles as Bree hugs her "Thank you." Bree says. "What for?" Naomi chuckles. "For helping me not be scared." Bree responds. Carlisle puts a hand on Naomi's shoulder "I'm going to help Jacob, don't come down for a while. It's going to be painful for you to hear." he tells her. Naomi nods and bites her lip "Tell Sam to call me when it's over." she responds making Carlisle nod.

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