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Naomi holds Jasper's hand as they follow Alice and Walter "Ally don't make a big thing about it

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Naomi holds Jasper's hand as they follow Alice and Walter "Ally don't make a big thing about it. She doesn't like-" Naomi gets cut off as Alice puts the present she's holding in Bella's face. "Happy-" Alice starts. "Shh!" Bella cuts her off. "-birthday." Alice finishes, whispering it in Bella's ear as she hugs her. Bella tries to hide the present before anyone else can see it "Alice, didn't I say no gifts?" Bella she asks. "You did. I didn't. I've already seen you open it and guess what? You love it." Alice tells her. "You had a vision about my birthday." Bella says. "And about the green dress you'll be wearing to your party tonight. Great color on you." Alice smiles. "My party?" Bella asks. "Please? It'll be fun." Alice asks. Naomi smiles as senses Jasper using his gift on Bella "I... guess I can deal-" Bella sighs. "Great! See ya at seven!" Alice smiles, hugging her again. Bella suddenly realises what Jasper did "Wait, Jasper, no fair with the mood control." she tells him. "Sorry. Happy- Never mind." Jasper smiles apologetically. "Vampires. You can't trust them. Trust me." Edward tells Bella as every disperses, going off to their separate classes.

Naomi stands next to Jasper towards the door as Alice drags Bella and Edward into the room, Esme and Carlisle hug Bella as she walks over "Sorry about all this

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Naomi stands next to Jasper towards the door as Alice drags Bella and Edward into the room, Esme and Carlisle hug Bella as she walks over "Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in." Carlisle tells her. "Like that's even possible. Happy birthday, Bella." Esme smiles. Alice has snaps a picture of Bella with them "Found it in your bag. Mind?" she asks. Emmett moves to Edward's side and nudges him "Dating an older woman. Hot." he comments making Bella make as small face. Edward elbows him sharply to shut up "What?" Emmett asks. Rosalie steps forward and shoves a silver package at Bella "It's a necklace. Alice picked it out." she says before joining Naomi and Jasper by the door. Alice aims the camera at Bella and Edward "Show me the love!" she smiles before dragging Bella over to a pile of presents and cake "Alice, I'm the only one who even eats cake. That thing could feed fifty." Bella tells her. Naomi looks down slightly making Jasper put an arm round her as Rosalie holds her hand "Ignoe her." Rosalie whispers. "Hope you're hungry. Here, this one's from Emmett." Alice smiles. "Um... thanks?" Bella question as she finds an empty car radio box. "Already installed it in your truck. Finally, a decent sound system in that piece of-" Emmett starts. "No hating on the truck. Thank you, Emmett." Bella smiles.

Naomi opens the door to get some air as Alice hands Bella another present "Open mine." she tells her. Bella starts to open it but stops suddenly "Ouch, paper cut." she says moving her finger away from the paper. Jasper freezes making Naomi grab him and drag him outside, hearing crashing as Edward pushes Bella behind him "Jaz, concentrate on me and my scent." Naomi says, realising that Bella has fallen into the plates making her cut her arm. Jasper hugs Naomi and buries his face in her hair, hiding Bella's scent in Naomi's as Rosalie closes the door. Rosalie shakes her head "The scent's gone Jasper, I shut the door." she tells her brother. Jasper sighs as he lets Naomi go "You're alright, you didn't do anything. Besides you had to deal with everyone else's bloodthirst as well as your own." Naomi assures him. Nodding Jasper hugs her again as Esme walks out "Why don't you go hunt? I'll stay with Naomi." she suggests. Naomi and Jasper pull away, Jasper looking at Naomi "Go, I'll help Esme clear up." Naomi tells him. "I'll meet you here before we head home." Jasper tells her. Naomi nods and kisses him "Go feed." she smiles. Esme smiles at Naomi as Jasper goes to hunt "Thank you for helping him." she tells her. "Of course. I love him and don't want him to blame himself for something he can't control." Naomi responds as they start to clear up the blood and broken plates.

Once everything is cleaned off blood the other's come back, Edward not there as he's taking Bella home "Where's Jasper?" Walter asks. "He went hunting." Naomi responds as Rosalie joins her on the sofa. After a second Jasper walks back in and sits the other side of her, kissing her head as he does "Better?" she asks. "Much." he responds. Just then Edward walks in "We need to leave, it's too dangerous for Bella to be round us." he says. "What?" Rosalie and Naomi ask at the same time. "Think about it, she could have been killed today." Edward tells them. "I'm not leaving Naomi." Jasper glares. "Neither am I." Rosalie adds. "I'm not going if Rose isn't. Besides Naomi is family too." Emmett says. "Edward, they're right. Naomi is family and we don't leave family." Carlisle nods. Naomi glares as Edward shakes his head "It's not safe." Edward tells them again. Naomi stands "You listen here Edward, no one here was going to do anything to Bella." she glares. "Tell that to Jasper. We all saw him freeze when Bella cut her finger." Edward retorts. "Don't you dare lay this on Jasper. He can feel everyone's emotions, meaning he could feel everyone's bloodthisrt not just his own. I took him outside with Rosalie to get him away from it and he immediately calmed. You didn't have to push Bella behind you, she's clumsy enough that she fell. It was an accident and accidents happen." Naomi argues, getting angrier as Edward tries to blame Jasper. Jasper puts a hand on her shoulder as he joins her "You guys can leave if you want but I'm not leaving Naomi." he tells the rest of the coven. "Neither are we." Rosalie and Emmett add.

"I don't want to lose any of my children, Naomi included." Esme says sadly. Naomi hugs her "You guys go, when the school year finishes we'll join you where ever you are. Besides we can join you at Christmas if possible." she tells her mother figure. Esme nods "We'll leave with Edward, Alice and Walter." Carlisle nods. "A clean break would be better, we should all leave." Edward argues. "You can't ask Jasper to leave his mate Edward." Walter tells his younger brother. "It'll only be me going to school with Naomi anyway, Rosalie and Emmett finished last year." Jasper adds. Edward glares "Fine, I'll tell Bella after school tomorrow." he says before storming off to his room. Esme sighs sadly "We'll stay here tonight and I'll take the day off school tomorrow to spend time with you before you leave." Naomi tells her. "I'll go get Midnight and her stuff." Jasper tells her. "Thank you." Naomi smiles.

A/N: What do you guys think about Rosalie and Emmett staying with Naomi and Jasper in Forks? How do you think Bella react? When do you want Bella to find out about Rosalie and Emmett staying with them?

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