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After a few days in Volterra Naomi and the others get ready to leave, going to the Throne Room before hand "You must come and visit us when the babies are born

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After a few days in Volterra Naomi and the others get ready to leave, going to the Throne Room before hand "You must come and visit us when the babies are born. You are family now after all." Aro tells Naomi as he hugs her. "Of course, we'll send word as soon as they are born." Naomi agrees before hugging Caius goodbye. "Remember we are just a call away should you need anything, Principessa (Princess)." he tells her. Naomi smiles "I promise I'll call." she assures him. Marcus hugs her "Make sure to bring Bree next time, we want to meet our niece." he tells her. Naomi nods "We will, I'm sure she'll love to meet her Uncles." she tells him. Felix and Demitri walk over "Take care of your self sorella (sister)." Demitri tells her as he hugs her. "Don't want to hear you've got into any trouble." Felix adds, hugging her straight after. "I'll keep safe." she promises them. Once everyone's goodbyes are said the Cullen's and their new coven mates, the twins, head to the airport and take the Volturi's private jet (the King's insisting that their new found Niece travel in safety and style) back home.

Getting home Naomi and Jasper take the twins to their house first so they can meet Bree and Midnight "Bree, your dad and I are home." Naomi says as she walks through the front door. Bree speeds downstairs and hugs Naomi "I missed you mum." she smiles before hugging Jasper "And you dad." she adds. "We missed you too Sweetie." Naomi smiles. "We've got a couple of people for you to meet." Jasper tells Bree as he stops hugging his eldest. "This is Jane and Alec. They are two of your siblings mates." Naomi explains. "So they're technically my siblings aswell?" Bree asks. "If they want to be." Jasper smiles. Jane and Alec smile "We would like that." Jane tells them. Bree grins "Cone on, I'll show you round. Midnight is somewhere round here." she says, grabbing Jane and Alec's hands and dragging them off. Naomi smiles and shakes her head, Jasper wraps his arms round her "I love you." he tells her. "I love you too." Naomi responds, turning and kissing him. "That's lovely, we come to greet you guys to find you kissing." Cameron jokes, walking down the stairs with Edward. "Please, we both know what you two were doing up there. For future reference check your neck before coming down." Naomi teases, motioning to Cameron's neck and making him blush. Jasper chuckles and kisses Naomi's temple "Mum can I show Jane and Alec the babies bedroom?" Bree calls. "Of course you can." Naomi calls back. "Who are Jane and Alec?" Cameron asks. "Two of the babies are their mates, they were part of the Volturi but they've joined us to be part of the babies lives as they grow up." Naomi responds. "The Volturi we're alright with that?" Cameron questions. "The Kings see Naomi as their niece, Caius even calls her Principessa." Jasper explains.

Later that day everyone gathers at the Cullen's, Naomi sitting with Jasper as she plaits Bree's hair for her "Could you do mine after?" Jane asks. "Of course, have a think about who you'd like." Naomi responds. Rosalie smiles "Naomi can do amazing things with people's hair." she tells Jane. "She used to do Jacob's hair to practice." Cameron pipes up. "Wait Jacob let you do his hair?" Emmett asks. "Mhm, sometimes he'd get me to put small braids in for the fun of it. Same with Embry when his hair was long." Naomi nods, tying off Bree's braid. Bree scoots over so Jane can sit down "What you want Jane?" Naomi asks her. "I don't mind, surprise me." Jane smiles. Nodding Naomi starts braiding "What's the plan over the next few days?" Cameron asks. "Tanya and Henry are telling mum and dad about being mates. Probably going to see them to make sure they're okay." Naomi responds. "I'm going hunting tomorrow if anyone wants to join." Rosalie tells everyone. "I will." Bree smiles. "Can we come, so we can start work on the new diet?" Alec asks. "Of course, everyone's welcome." Rosalie nods. Naomi smiles and finishes Jane's hair "There you go." she tells her. "Thank you." Jane smiles. Just then Naomi's phone buzzes "Hey Sammy." she smiles answering it. "Hi Nae, Emily was wondering if you'd like to come round tomorrow." Sam tells her. "Tanya and Henry are telling Mum and Dad tomorrow morning but possibly after that." Naomi explains. "Forgot that was tomorrow, you going to be there?" Sam asks. "Yeah, thought it might help." Naomi responds. "I'll pop round tomorrow then after I can bring you round." Sam tells her. "Sounds like a plan." Naomi agrees. "Okay, I got to go now. Need to stop Paul from eating everything in the fridge otherwise Emily will kill him." Sam sighs. Naomi laughs "See you tomorrow. Tell Paul if he eats everything in the fridge I won't bring muffins tomorrow." she tells him, making him laugh. "I will. Bye Nae." Sam responds. "Bye Sammy." Naomi tells him before hanging up.

The next morning Naomi sits with Sam in her dad's living room with Tanya, Henry, Charlie and Allison "You both said you wanted to talk to us?" Allison asks

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The next morning Naomi sits with Sam in her dad's living room with Tanya, Henry, Charlie and Allison "You both said you wanted to talk to us?" Allison asks. "Yeah we want to explain something to you and we thought it'd be best if both Naomi and Sam were here as they already know." Tanya explains. "What is it?" Charlie asks. "We're... we are..." Henry starts, trailing off awkwardly. Naomi sighs "You want me to rip the band aid off?" she asks. "Might be best as you are more outspoken than everyone." Tanya nods. "Tanya, Henry, the rest of the Denali's and the Cullen's are all vampires. They're vegetarian though as they don't feed on humans, they feed on animals." Naomi tells her parents. Charlie laughs while Allison frowns "Nice joke." Charlie chuckles. Allison looks at Sam and Naomi "It's just like the legends?" she asks. Sam and Naomi nod "The Quilette legends?" Charlie asks. "Yes dad, the legends are true. All of them." Naomi responds. "Naomi, I'm a cop I work with facts not stories." Charlie tells his eldest daughter. Sam looks at his sister "Follow me." he tells Charlie and their mum, standing up and leading out the back. He leads them into the woods and out of sight from the road and house, stopping he begins taking his shorts and pants off "Sam, what are you doing?" Charlie asks. Naomi rolls her eyes slightly at Sam "Couldn't give them warning that you were about to strip?" she questions. Sam doesn't respond as he shifts into his wolf form "Holy shit!" Charlie exclaims, stepping back. Allison stares at her son is shock but not surprise, Naomi walks over to Sam around a hand through his fur "Believe us now dad?" she asks. "Does that mean that Jasper is..?" Charlie trails off. "Yes, he's a vampire. We're mates, like Carlisle and Esme, Rosalie and Emmett, Alice and Walter, Carmen and Eleazar, and Edward and Cameron." Naomi nods. Charlie sits on a fallen tree "Why do you want us to know?" he asks Tanya and Henry. "You and Allison are our mates, we didn't want to hide it from you." Tanya explains. Naomi picks up Sam's clothes "We'll leave you to talk." she tells them. "Thank you." Henry tells them as they pass. "You're family." Naomi responds, climbing onto Sam's back so he can run them back to his and Emily's place.

Naomi jumps off of Sam's back and is immediately engulfed in a hug by the boys of the pack making her laugh "I wasn't gone that long." she laughs. "Yes, but you're our favourite Uley/Swan." Jared points out making her laugh. "I'm technically a Whitlock-Hale now." she points out. "Eh, still our favourite." Paul smiles. Naomi shakes her head and lets them lead her inside to where Emily and Leah are putting food on the table "Naomi!" Emily smiles, hugging her. "Hi Em." Naomi smiles back, hugging her before going on to hug Leah. "How was Italy?" Leah asks. "The Volturi are actually very protective of me." Naomi tells them. "They are?" Quil asks. "Yeah, the Kings act like my overprotective Uncles and two of their guard came home with us because they are two of the triplets mates." Naomi explains. The pack all look surprised "Sothere was no trouble?" Jacob asks. "None whatsoever. The Kings basically inducted me into their family and told me to visit them when the triplets are born." Naomi responds. "Okay, we need to meet the guards who came with you." Emily smiles. "Jane and Alec, they're twins and Bree has already decided that they are her new 'siblings' as she put it." Naomi smiles. "Bring Bree over aswell, Sethis missing her." Leans teases her brother. "Shut up Leah." Seth blushes as the pack laugh.

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