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Naomi sits with Emily while the pack, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie follow a fresh trail, just then she gets a message from HarryHarry 🐠- Bella has told Charlie she saw wolves in the forest, warn the boys

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Naomi sits with Emily while the pack, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie follow a fresh trail, just then she gets a message from Harry
Harry 🐠- Bella has told Charlie she saw wolves in the forest, warn the boys. Charlie is putting a hunting party together
Naomi 🦄- Will do. Thanks Harry
Naomi pulls up Jasper's contact
Darlin 💖- Dad is starting a hunting party. Bella told him she saw wolves in the forest xxx
Jaz 💗- I'll tell the pack. We'll be back soon anyway, about five minutes xxx
"What's wrong?" Emily asks. "Bella has inadvertently made things worse, she told dad she saw wolves in the forest. Now he's going out there with a hunting party. Not only could the pack get hurt but dad and the party could because of the vampire out there." Naomi stresses. Emily puts a hand on her arm "We'll work something out." she smiles, trying to hide her own worry.

A few minutes later the pack, minus Jacob, walk through the door with Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie "We caught the vampire." Paul grins. "It was Laurent. He was scouting for Victoria." Jasper tells Naomi. "I thought he was with Irina and the Denali's?" Naomi frowns. "He was but he couldn't keep up with the diet." Jasper explains. Naomi sighs and runs a hand through her hair "So not only have you guys got to watch your back when it comes to the hunting party but now Victoria is here aswell." she says. "How do you guys know Victoria?" Embry asks. "Her mate is the one who nearly killed me and Bella. She's probably after us in revenge." Naomi responds. Jasper puts an arm round her "She's not getting to you, I'll protect you." he tells her. "So will we. It's our job after all." Sam adds. "And us Nae, she can't get through all of us." Rosalie smiles. Naomi nods and leans into Jasper "Where's Jake?" she asks. "Home, he wanted to talk to his dad." Embry tells her making her nod in response.

The next morning Naomi helps Emily make muffins while Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie going hunting, as she does Jared jogs into the house "We have a problem

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The next morning Naomi helps Emily make muffins while Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie going hunting, as she does Jared jogs into the house "We have a problem." he tells then. Seconds later Bella walks through the door with Embry following "Who's this?" Emily asks as the two boys start eating the muffins. "Bella Swan. Who else?" Jared asks. "So you're the other vampire girl." Emily realises, noticing Naomi not looking at Bella as she sits next to Jared at the table. "And you're a... you're all..." Bella trails off. "Werewolves? I'm just engaged to one. Naomi is basically a little sister to Sam so she's pack. But these animals- Save some for your brothers." Emily says, slapping Embry's hand. Naomi smiles as Embry pouts, her smile drops as Bella starts moving cautiously to the table "Leave it to Jacob to get around Sam's gag order." he says rolling her eyes. "He didn't say anything, or... couldn't." Bella responds. "That's a wolf thing. Alpha's orders get obeyed whether we want to or not." Embry tells her. "How 'bout you shut up now, Embry?" Jared suggests. "You know Jacob's gonna fill her in." Embry points out. "Yeah, I know every stupid thought he has. Wanna know what he thinks of you?" Jared asks Bella. "Like you need special powers to know that." Naomi comments. "It's another wolf thing. We hear each other's thoughts. Good for hunting. Embarrassing for everything else." Embry explains. "Freaking out yet?" Jared asks. "You're not the first mind reader I've met." Bella responds. "Jake's right. You are good with the weird." Embry nods.

Naomi rolls her eyes and picks at her muffin "But I don't get how? Why?" Bella asks. "Because there are bad things here and they're getting worse." Sam says walking in and going over to Emily "Hey, Em." he smiles kissing her face. Naomi throws a muffin at his head "Stahp! It's gross!" she playfully complains. Sam laughs and shakes his head as Paul and Jacob walk in playfully jabbing at each other; Jared and Embry immediately get up and rush over, finding a scar on Paul's arm "Ha! Pay up." Embry tells Jared. Jared groans and hands Embry five bucks, Paul looks at Bella "Sorry." he tells her before sitting next to Naomi at the table. Jacob nods at the door making Bella walk out, him following "I'm going to bloodily kill him." Naomi growls. Sam puts a hand on her shoulder to calm her "You need to tell Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie first." he tells her. "Scratch that. When Rose finds out, she's gonna kill him." Naomi says' pulling out her phone
Darlin 💖- Get to Sam's, got a visitor in the form of my sister xxx
Jaz 💗- On our way now. Jacob? Xxx
Darlin 💖- Got it in one xxx

When Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett arrive they walk inside to find Naomi lying on the floor, face down "What's she doing?" Rosalie asks. "Apparently the floor needed a hug." Paul responds. "She's been lying there for the last half hour." Sam adds. Jasper shakes his head and picks her up "No! The floor hadn't finished its hug!" Naomi exclaims. "You can hug it later. Where's Bella?" Jasper asks. "With Jacob, he's explaining everything to her." Naomi responds. Just then Jacob walks back in with Bella behind him "I've found out what the red head wants. She wants Bella." he says. "Excellent. If the red head's after Bella as-well, we've got bait." Jared smiles making Rosalie nod in agreement. "She is not bait. What do you mean aswell?" Jacob asks. "Did your precious little Bella forget to mention that Victoria is after me aswell?" Naomi asks. "You knew what she wanted and didn't say anything?" Jacob asks. "Actually we told the pack yesterday when you were at home." Jasper tells him. "I should leave town." Bella says. "Yeah because that worked last time." Naomi says rolling her eyes. "Victoria will follow you and make it harder for us to catch her." Jasper adds. "No one can catch her. She can escape anything." Bella retorts. "You don't know that Bella but she could have a gift. It would make sense with how she's able to get away from you all so easily." Naomi says. "Nae's right. She gets away too easily, it would make sense for her to have a gift." Emmett agrees making Jasper and Rosalie nod in agreement. "We'll set up more patrols, start searching for her aswell as protecting you two." Sam says. "I'll stay with Naomi unless she's here. That way you don't have to come out as far as the house unless Victoria's there." Jasper nods. "We'll patrol at night so you can try and get atleast some sleep." Rosalie adds, motioning to herself and Emmett. "What about my house?" Bella asks annoyed. "We'll put it on the route." Sam tells her. Naomi bites her lip "Bella could always stay in the spare room at my place for a few nights til you guys catch Victoria." she suggests making everyone look at her. "You sure?" Rosalie asks. Naomi nods "Yeah, that way the route is shorter and easier for you guys." she tells them.

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