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A few weeks later Naomi spends the day with the pack and their newest member Embry while Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett going hunting for the day

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A few weeks later Naomi spends the day with the pack and their newest member Embry while Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett going hunting for the day. Naomi sits on Sam's wolf form's back as they head up the side of the cliff to go cliff jumping, when they get to the top she jumps off his back and waits for the four of them to transform back. Sam walks out and goes over to Naomi as she takes off her jumper and leggings "Sure you want to do this?" he asks her. "Yes, it's the same as usual just higher." Naomi responds putting her stuff in her bag. "Damn, Nae has more balls than you Paul." Jared jokes. "Oh yeah?" Paul asks before he and and Jared start play fighting, Embry joining them seconds later. "Five bucks Paul add Embry push Jared off the cliff." Naomi tells him. "Nah, they definitely push Embry off." Sam disagrees. "Deal." Naomi smiles. As she does Jared gets pushed off the cliff making Naomi grin and turn to Sam "I'll give it to you when we go back for lunch." he tells her as Paul does a running jump. Embry goes next making Naomi jump on Sam's back "Ready when you are Sammy." she tells him with a smile. Laughing Sam runs and jumps of the cliff making Naomi cheer as they fall into the water, resurfacing Naomi laughs "Again!" she exclaims. "Come on then." Paul smiles starting to swim to the beach, Sam puts Naomi on his back before swimming them back to shore.

The five of them walk into Sam and Emily's house and crash on the sofas "You five have fun?" Emily asks walking over. Sam smiles and pulls her onto his lap, kissing her as he does "Yeah it was so good. You'll have to come with next time." Naomi tells her. "I will." Emily smiles. "You should asks Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie to come aswell." Sam suggests. Naomi nods "I'll ask them." she agrees with a smile. "You guys hungry? Actually I won't ask." Emily smiles standing up and heading to the kitchen. "You want a hand Emily?" Naomi asks. "I'm alright for now, you chill with the boys." Emily responds. Smiling Naomi leans into Sam as they watch tv with the others "You're now my hot water bottle." she tells him. "Is that all I'm good for now?" Sam pouts. "Yep." Naomi nods without hesitation, making Sam pot even more. "Emily, Naomi's being mean." he tells his imprint. "I'm sure you can cope." Emily responds with a smile making Naomi laugh. "Why are you on her side?" Sam asks. "Girls gotta stick together." Emily shrugs. "That's the truth." Naomi agrees. "Great my fiancé and my best friend are ganging up on me." Sam whines. "You still have us." Jared tells him. "For some reason that doesn't make me happy." Sam jokes. "Hey!" the three teen boys whine.

That evening Naomi sits leaning against Sam's legs as he plaits her hair for her after a shower while they all watch Rebel Without a Cause. Embry lies his head on her legs as he starts to doze off with Naomi playing with his hair. Naomi's phone buzzes making her pick it up to find a message from Bella
Bella 🙄- Saw you with Sam and his gang cliff jumping. Does dad know or should I tell him?
Naomi 💩- Dad knows, he likes Sam. He trusts Sam to keep me safe. Besides Sam is not in a gang and it's not up to you who I see or what I do with my life.
Bella 🙄- Does Jasper know you're hanging out with a group of boys?
Naomi 💩- Yes, he does. He doesn't mind because he's met all the boys and isn't insecure about our relationship. To be honest I don't think it's any of your business anyway
Shaking her head she puts her phone down "Bella?" Paul asks noticing the look on Naomi's face. "Yep, trying to get me in trouble with Dad and Jasper." Naomi responds. "Let me guess? For hanging out with a gang?" Jared asks. "How did you know?" Naomi asks sarcastically. Sam shakes his head "She does realise that you're the older sister, right?" he asks. "I don't think she cares." Naomi responds.

Sam parks his truck outside Naomi's house and smiles at Naomi who is struggling to stay awake "Nae,we're home." he tells her. Naomi sits up sleepily and nods, chuckling Sam goes round to the her side and gets her on his back before carrying her to the front door. Knocking on the door Sam smiles at Rosalie as she opens the door "Delivery for you." he jokes. Rosalie smiles at her sleeping best friend and lets Sam into the house where Emmett and Jasper walk over, Jasper chuckling "I think you wore her out." he comments as Sam puts her on the sofa. "Never mind her, the rest of the pack were asleep aswell from her wanting to go up the cliff nearly twenty times." Sam chuckles. "Thanks for looking after her." Jasper tells him. "Always have, always will." Sam now. Jasper nods in agreement as he follows Sam to the door "Have you caught sight of the vampire yet?" he asks. "Not yet, they keep getting away just before we get there. They know what they're doing." Sam responds. "Rosalie, Emmett and I will keep a look out and let you know if we find them." Jasper tells him. Sam nods "I'll do the same." he agrees before leaving. Jasper walks back inside and takes Naomi up to bed before lying next to her as she sleeps through the night.

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