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Naomi wakes up with an oxygen tube under her nose and a bright light above her, making her groan and close her eyes again "Sweetheart?" she hears Charlie ask. "Dad?" she responds opening her eyes to find her dad sat in a chair next to her hospital bed. "Hey sweetie. You remember what happened?" Charlie asks. "Um, I remember going after Bella with Jasper." Naomi responds. "Yeah, Edward and Carlisle came with you and you all got to her to come back to the hotel you were all staying in. When you were walking up to the hotel room Bella fell and you tried to catch her making you both end up going through the window. Bella's cut her leg and also broken it, you've broken your ribs and a bit of glass stabbed you in the side making you lose a lot of blood." Charlie explains. "Is Bella alright?" Naomi asks. "Yeah, your mum and Edward are with her." Charlie responds, not looking happy about Edward. Naomi looks over to the side to see Jasper 'asleep' on the sofa, Charlie smiles "He hasn't left since you got here, you've got a good one there." he tells her. Naomi smiles "Yeah, I do." she responds. "I'll go let your mum and sister know that you're awake." Charlie tells her making her nod. He stands up and kisses her head before walking out, when he does Jasper sits up and walks over to her side "I thought I lost you." he tells her. Naomi opens her arms making him gently sit on the bed and hug her "I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." she tells him. Jasper puts his face in her neck before making a little growl of discomfort "What?" Naomi asks. "Because you had to have a blood transfusion you smell different." Jasper explains. Naomi laughs slightly "I'm sure I'll smell like myself again soon." she giggles. Jasper smiles and kisses her softly "I'm never leaving you again." he tells her. "Good." Naomi tells him.

" Naomi tells him

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Naomi sits in front of the mirror in her room at the Cullen's as Rosalie does her make up for her "And done

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Naomi sits in front of the mirror in her room at the Cullen's as Rosalie does her make up for her "And done." Rosalie smiles, putting down the brush. "Can I look now?" Naomi asks. "Yep, keep your eyes closed while I take you to the full length mirror." Rosalie tells her, helping her up and over to the mirror "Okay, open." she tells her. Naomi opens her eyes and gasps "Rose, I love it!" she smiles hugging her best friend. "I'm glad. You look truly amazing." Rosalie smiles. "As do you Rose." Naomi tells her. "Come on, let's get downstairs so Esme can take photos as Jasper can finally see your dress." Rosalie tells Naomi who nods and smiles. The two of them walk out the room and start walking down the stairs, towards the living room where everyone else is waiting. They walk round the corner and Jasper smiles and walks over "You look absolutely gorgeous Darlin." he tells her. "You don't look too yourself Handsome." Naomi responds giving him a gentle kiss. Jasper pulls out a purple corsage making Naomi smile and let him slide it onto her wrist "Alice actually let me buy it. Apparently I was only allowed to know what colour your dress was." he tells her. Naomi giggles "It had to be a surprise." she tells him. "We'll it was definitely an amazing surprise." Jasper smiles. "Okay love birds, picture time." Esme smiles; smiling Naomi pulls Jasper over to get pictures taken by Esme. "I'll get some printed off for you to have. Now off you go and have fun." Esme tells them. "Bye." Naomi smiles as Jasper leads her out to his car.

Once at prom Jasper leads Naomi into the school's hall where they find prom in full swing, smiling Naomi pulls him onto the dance floor as a slow song starts playing

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Once at prom Jasper leads Naomi into the school's hall where they find prom in full swing, smiling Naomi pulls him onto the dance floor as a slow song starts playing. Naomi wraps her arms round Jasper's neck as they dance "I love you." she smiles. "As I love you." Jasper responds. Smiling Naomi rests her head on him as they continue to dance "Your sister's just arrived with Edward." Jasper tells her. Naomi sighs "She still not talked to you about what happened?" Jasper asks. "No, nothing. Let's forget about it for tonight though. This is our night and I'm not letting her ruin it." Naomi tells him. Jasper nods and twirls her making her laugh as she spins back into his arms "Let's go find you something to drink." he tells her. Naomi nods and lets Jasper lead her over to the table where they find Rosalie and Emmett stood there, Rosalie hands Naomi a drink "Thanks Rose." Naomi smiles taking it and drinking. Jasper kisses her head lovingly as she leans into him "You up for another dance?" he asks her. "Always if it's with you." Naomi agrees.

The next day Naomi sits watching the game with her dad "I'm glad you de died to come round and watch the game with me Sweetheart

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The next day Naomi sits watching the game with her dad "I'm glad you de died to come round and watch the game with me Sweetheart." Charlie tells her. "So am I dad. I'm sorry I haven't moved back in, I just don't think I can be in the same house as Bella after what she said to you." Naomi apologises. "It's alright Sweetheart, as long I still spend time with you I'm happy." Charlie smiles. Just then his phone starts ringing making him pick it up and go to the kitchen, after a minute he walks back in "I've been called into work, sorry sweetheart." he tells her. "It's alright dad. You go help people, I'll see you tomorrow for dinner at the diner." Naomi smiles. Charlie nods and kisses the top of her head "Can you let your sister know that I've had to go? They said it was an emergency so I'm not sure when I'll be back. Tell her to get some dinner, the money on the side if she wants to order." he tells her. "Yeah, go. I'll go tell her now." Naomi nods making Charlie nod and leave.

Naomi goes upstairs and knocks on Bella's bedroom door "Yeah?" Bella asks making Naomi open the door. "Dad had to go to work, he wanted me to let you know that there money on the counter if you want to order something in." Naomi explains, trying to be polite. Bella nods "You going to say what you want to say?" she asks. "Why won't you talk to me about what happened? About what we went through?" Naomi asks her. "Because there's nothing to talk about." Bella shrugs. "Really? We both nearly died and that's nothing to talk about?" Naomi asks. "I don't think there is. We both got out of there in the end." Bella tells her. Naomi frowns and shakes her head "What?" Bella asks. "It doesn't matter Bella. Just like you said." Naomi tells her. "You're just annoyed that Edward is thinking about turning me, aren't you?" Bella glares. "That's hilarious Bella. Any other jokes?" Naomi asks. "You are! You're annoyed!" Bella accuses. "No, I'm really not. Jasper and I are going to talk about it after we graduate.vI've said I want to be turned once we've finished high school so I can deal with the blood lust without dad wanting to see me every week, I don't want to hurt him or break his heart." Naomi argues. "Whatever you say." Bella glares. Naomi shakes her head and storms out, heading to her car and driving back to the Cullen's house.

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