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(Trigger Warning for this chapter. It goes into Naomi's past and what happened to her)

After getting a call from Sam saying that Jacob is alright Naomi climbs in her car a speeds down to La Push, going straight to Jacob's house "How is he?" she asks climbing out the car and walking over to the pack. "He's healing, Carlisle has gone to get a morphine drip for him. He's burning off the painkillers to fast." Sam explains. Naomi nods before spotting Bella's truck "Bella's here?" she asks. "She turned up about fifteen minutes after Quil dropped her off." Paul responds. Naomi glares and looks up as Bella walks out the house "What are you doing here?" Bella asks her. "I'm here to see if my family is okay." Naomi restores. Bella scoff "Please, you're probably trying to get into his pants. Jasper not enough for you?" she asks. The pack growl making Naomi give them a look "No, I'm not. Jacob has always been my little brother and he always will." she retorts. "Is Edward here?" Bella asks hopefully. "No he's at mine with his mate." Naomi tells her. "No, I'm his mate! Not that druggie!" Bella exclaims. Paul and Jared grab Sam and pull him back as Embry grabs Naomi round her waist "Don't you dare call Cameron that!" Naomi shouts. "What? It's what he is, just like you. You two are probably sleeping with each other and getting high whenever Edward and Jasper aren't there." Bella accuses. "Shut up Bella! Cameron is gay for starters! Plus you don't know anything about that time of my life!" Naomi retorts trying to get out of Embry's grip. Sam starts shaking making Jared and Paul drag him into the forest "Nae, breathe." Embry tells her.

Just then Charlie pulls up in his cruiser "What's going on?" he asks. Bella brings fake tears to her eyes "Naomi started shouting at me! She's trying to keep me away from Jacob and Edward." she 'cries'. Charlie looks at Naomi who is still being held back by Embry "Bella, why don't you go home while I talk to your sister?"he suggests. "What? It's all her fault, why do I have to leave? She's the druggie!" Bella exclaims. Naomi starts pulling out of Embry's arms making Quil start to help hold her back "Shut up you Bitch! You have no idea what I went through!" she shouts, tears pouring down her face. "Oh please, you probably wanted attention like the whore you are!" Bella shouts back. "Bella enough." Charlie tells her sternly. "I lost my boyfriend and unborn baby in a car crash you bitch!" Naomi shouts. "Bella leave." Charlie glares. Bella glares at her sister before storming off to her truck, Naomi goes limp and starts sobbing into Embry's chest "I want Sammy." she cries. "I'll go get him." Quil responds, running to the trees. Charlie goes over to his daughter "Sweetheart, what happened?" he asks. "I asked her not to play with Jacob's feelings because she using him to try and make Edward jealous and she went off on one." Naomi cries. Nodding Charlie kisses her head "You alright if I go home and talk to Bella about what happened?" he asks. Naomi nods making Charlie nod at Embry before leaving in his cruiser, Sam jogs over making Naomi fall into his arms and cry "I got you Nae." he tells her as she cries. "You take me home?" she asks him. "Yeah, give me your keys. Thank you Embry, can you go tell Emily what happened? I'm going to stay with Naomi tonight." Sam asks. Embry nods and kisses Naomi's head "Message me when your feeling better." he tells her. "I will." Naomi nods.

Sam carries a still crying Naomi to the front door of her house when Jasper opens it "What happened?" he asks. "Bella." Sam responds as Jasper let's him in. Sam goes to put Naomi down on the sofa but she whines and clings onto him making him hold her as he sits down "You want anything Darlin?" Jasper asks. "Midnight." Naomi responds. Jasper nods and goes to find the dog, after a second he walks back in with the dog following. Midnight sees her owner and jumps onto the sofa next to Naomi and Sam, Naomi smiles slightly and stokes her gently. Sam kisses her head "Can I go talk to Jasper about what happened?" he asks. Naomi hesitates but nods, Sam stands up and puts Naomi on the sofa where she curls up with Midnight. Sam follows Jasper into the kitchen "What did Bella do?" Jasper asks quietly. "She brought up Naomi's past making Naomi tells her stuff she wasn't ready to say. She barely talks about it anyway." Sam responds. Jasper gives him a confused look "What do you know about why Naomi's drug problem started?" Sam asks. "Not much, just that there was a car accident. I've never pushed her on it as it's obviously a sensitive topic, I wanted her to tell me when she was ready." Jasper responds. Sam nods and goes back into the living room "Nae, you want me to tell him what happened or do you?" he asks. "I will but the others should probably be here too." Naomi responds. Jasper nods "I'll message Alice now." he tells her.

After a few minutes the Cullen's walk in, Cameron bringing Edward downstairs "What is it you want to talk about?" Carlisle asks. "My past, you guys are my family and you deserve to know. I'm finally ready to talk about it." Naomi responds. Cameron sits next to her and holds her hand in comfort "It was a year before you guys came to town. I was with a guy called Ray, we'd been dating since we were 10. Anyway we'd gone to a party and got drunk next thing you know I'm pregnant with a baby boy, Harvey. We were on our way back from my 36 week baby scan when we got hit by a drunk driver, when I woke up dad was there and had to tell me that neither Ray or Harvey had made it. I got put on pain meds because of what had happened and I ended up getting addicted to them, dad only found out when I nearly overdosed. He put me into rehab and helped me get better. Today Bella brought it all back up when I was having an argument with her about the way she's been treating Jacob. I told her what happened, until then it had only been Dad, Sam, Cameron, Billy, Jake, Embry, Quil and Ray's family who knew everything that had happened. Jacob, Embry and Quil only found out because they were the ones who found me the day I almost overdosed." Naomi explains, not looking at anyone. Rosalie sits next to her and hugs her, letting her cry into her chest as Cameron keeps hold of her hand "I'm so sorry Naomi." she tells her. "We all are." Edward adds. Jasper looks at his mate and walks over, Rosalie let's him take her place "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before." Naomi tells him. "Don't be. I understand why it took so long." Jasper assures her as she cries.

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