Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my room alone all day and looking at the white wall in front of me. I was thinking about myself. Why me? Why I was chosen as a member of Seventeen? I wasn't interesting in anything, I was just an ordinary boy. Thanks to me, a lot of boys didn't get into this group. I was mad at myself. I really hated myself for that. When they chose me, I should have refused, but instead, I agreed.

Someone knocked at the door and then, after a while, he entered. I turned to him and made a little smile on my face. I wanted to look like I was fine, even though it wasn't true at all. He smiled as well and walked slowly over to me. "I hope I'm not disturbing you," he said with a soft voice and looked at the spot next to me on the bed. I chuckled quietly and nodded. He was really a sweet boy. I liked him a lot, but he didn't deserve me as his friend at all. Now, I was looking at the ground. He sat down beside me on the bed and I felt his gaze on me.

Suddenly, I felt a little uncomfortable. I knew he was still looking at me. I really didn't look good at all. All my feelings I covered behind my smile. I tried to. But this guy never believed me.

"Is everything okay?" he asked worriedly and then he added. "And please, don't say that everything is okay 'cause I know it isn't..."

I sighed and quickly turned away from him. I couldn't look into his eyes. His beautiful eyes, which now were saying the guy was worried about me.

"Turn to me, please..."

After a moment, I did what he said. Now I was looking at his chest. I couldn't look up because I knew his eyes still were staring at me.

He sighed. "Please... Look into my eyes."

I slowly looked up and our gazes met. He really had beautiful eyes that were full of love and understanding.

"Okay... and now, you can tell me what's happening with you."

I sighed and my gaze fell into my lap. I was looking at my hands. "Nothing's happening. I- I just... I'm scared, that's all!" I quickly turned away. I shouted at him! I really didn't wanna shout at my only friend... I quickly stood up and wanted to go away as fast as I could, but he grabbed my hand and turned me back to him. He stood up as well and kept holding my hand. My gaze was on his chest again.

"Where did you want to go?" he asked me calmly.

He was acting so calmly. I wanted to cry, but I also wanted to look like a strong guy, not like a little child.

"Nowhere." Then I noticed his distrustful face. I've tried making an innocent smile. 

"You know I don't trust you at all, right?"

I nodded and sighed. I pulled my hand out of his grip and stepped back a little. "I'm sorry, but I'm not in a good mood today," I said quietly, looking at the floor. Then I turned and quickly left.


Welcome my beloved readers!

I hope you enjoy my other book on my beloved ship - Soonseok. :D
I also wanna apologize for any mistakes, but I want to remind you that English isn't my native language.

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