Chapter 22

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I woke up early and went to the main house for breakfast and then I have noticed some new people there. The two of them looked like a couple. I smiled for myself and went for the tray with my food. I took it and then I returned to my table.

After twenty minutes, a couple of members entered the building. They greeted me and I greeted them back with a smile. They took their trays and found their tables then. Seungcheol sat down across from me, putting the tray on the table. "Who are the four people over there?" He asked quietly.

I shrugged and gulped a piece of my breakfast. "I don't know, Cheol. They were sitting there when I came here." I said. Seokmin put his tray on the table, sitting down beside me. "What's going on?" he asked.

"Those people over there are probably new here," Seungcheol responded with a slight frown.

Seokmin looked at the people. "I think the problem is solved. Seungkwan went to them," Seokmin said with a quiet laugh.

I and Seungcheol laughed. Seungkwan really was everywhere. Then, after breakfast, I put the tray back. I was about to leave, but Seungkwan's voice has stopped me. I turned to him with a light smile.

"Hey, Soonyoung, those people over there are really new!" he said excitedly. "The couple has cottage number nine and the other two have cottage number eight, isn't it awesome!? The two in cottage number eight are single!"

I raised my eyebrow. "Calm down, Seungkwan..." I said. "Okay, maybe they're single and what?"

Seungkwan sighed. "My cute friend... That they're single is very important! Because two of our members are also single!" Seungkwan said with a huge smirk.

I slightly shook my head. "You don't think Jihoon and Chan, right?"

"Of course, I do! You little stupid head!" Seungkwan whisper-yelled, but then he laughed. "Ah, I need you to help me."

"With whom?" I asked. Seungkwan raised his eyebrow. "Ooh, You mean with Jihoon and Chan, o-okay!" I giggled a bit nervously.


Seungkwan and I walked towards cottage number eight. He knocked at the door. After a few seconds, someone has opened the door. The boy smiled at us. "Hi, Seungkwan and..."

"Hi, I'm Soonyoung, Kwon Soonyoung," I greeted him with a light smile.

The boy smiled at me and stepped back a little. "Come in!"

We entered and put our shoes off. He led us towards their beds. The boy sat down next to the other and we sat down on the other bed.

"We waited for you, Seungkwan," the other said with a huge smile. "And who is your friend?"

"My name is Kwon Soonyoung."

"My name is Shin Dongjin and this is my friend Kim Samuel."

"Nice to meet you, Soonyoung," Dongjin smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you too," I smiled back.

"So..." Seungkwan smirked. "I heard that you two are still single."

"Seungkwan!" I hissed, hitting his shoulder slightly.

Samuel laughed. "It's okay, Soonyoung, and yeah! We're still single."

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