Chapter 15

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After a while, someone knocked at the door. I didn't say anything, just kept lying on the ground. My father was right. I didn't belong to this group at all.

The door slowly opened and then Minghao's head appeared. When he saw me on the ground he quickly came to me. "Are you okay? What happened? Where's your father?"

I didn't answer him, just kept looking to the ground. I was afraid of my father.

"Soonyoung! Answer me!"

I flinched a bit. One tear streamed my cheek slowly.

"Don't cry, Soonyoungie... Just tell me what happened? Who hurt you?" he asked worriedly. "It was your father?" he added in shock.

I nodded slightly. He hugged me and then he helped me get up. "Come with me." He put his hand around my neck and led me to the common room where have been others.

Once they noticed us they quickly stood around us. Then they put their questions one by one.

"Calm down y'all!" Minghao shouted.


"Does anyone know where his father is!?"

No one answered for a while. But then someone came closer. "I saw him," he gulped and looked around him. "He walked to the CEO's office."

"You really know everything!" Minghao said with a slight smile, but then his smile quickly disappeared. "Thank you, Kwan," he said with a nod.

"Do you want to go with me?" Minghao turned to me.

I nodded. I needed to go. I wanted to see him once again. He was the one who hurt me, and I knew he can also be a very dangerous man. Minghao doesn't know him, but I do. I know him very well.

A couple of members added to us as well. We went towards the office. Then, with a deep sigh, Minghao knocked at the door.

"Come in."

We took a breathe and entered with bows.

I noticed my father sitting on the chair in front of the CEO's desk. When he noticed me, he smiled. I quickly avoided his gaze and stepped back a little. I bumped into someone, standing behind me.

He put his hands on my shoulders and leaned over. "It's okay, Soonyoungie. We're here with you," he whispered into my ear.

I slowly turned my head to him and smiled, he smiled back. Thank you, Seokminie for being here with me.

"Oh, Soonyoung!" A CEO shouted with a big smile. "We talked about you."

"Please, come closer. I don't bite you."

With a hard breath, I stepped forward a little. Seokmin's hands slowly disappeared from my shoulders.

"May you leave us alone?" the man asked others with a bright smile.

A couple of members didn't want to, but I smiled at them with a slight nod to tell them it was fully okay. When they left I turned back to them.

"I was talking with your father about you, Soonyoung, and..." he took a deep breath. "He wants you to come home."

A couple of tears have appeared in my eyes now. "Please... I want to remain here! I'm happy here!" I started begging my father.

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