Chapter 25

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It was 2 am morning and everyone slept except me. I couldn't sleep at all. I was thinking about everything that happened these days. I felt really happy after a long time.

I sighed and looked at sleeping Seokmin. He looked so beautiful. He was too perfect for me... I didn't even deserve him at all.

I sat up on my bed and put on my sweatshirt, then I put on my hood and went out of the cottage. Before I went out, I made sure Seokmin was still asleep. I shut the door carefully and went to the edge of the rock.

Seungcheol and Hyeseob were right. The nature around was beautiful even at night. I took a deep breath. It was a pretty cold night, but the moon and the stars were beautiful.

I turned back towards the cottages and smiled sadly. "Thank you, all for everything you have done for me. Thank you, Seokmin for taking care of me. I just want you to know I loved you from the beginning. I turned back ready to leave where I was supposed to leave long ago as my father always wanted. It was his biggest wish. I closed my eyes ready to fall into the night, but suddenly someone grabbed my hand and knocked me to the ground. The person hugged me tightly and then I heard silent sobs. I opened my eyes a bit. Seokmin!?

"W-Why!? Why, S-Soonyoungie!?" he said with a shaky voice and his grip strengthened. "I've said to you before I'm here for you... I'll protect you..."

I started crying, now I felt terrible, I didn't want to hurt him at all.

"Soonyoung? Seokmin? What happened!?" Seungcheol asked us and sat down next to us with a worried face.

"Soonyoung tried... tried to kill himself-" Seokmin voice has broken.

"What!? Why!?" Seungcheol shouted out in horror. "It's because of your father?"

I closed my eyes tightly, trying to stop sobbing, and nodded slightly.

"He's not here... You're safe..."

"But-But my m-mom isn't here either-" I said quietly.

"I know it's hard, Soonyoungie, but you're stronger than you think," Seokmin said softly.

"Look at the sky, Soonyoungie~" Seungcheol smiled at me and I did what he wanted.

"Your mom is watching you, she's the brightest star in the sky, see?" He pointed to the brightest star above us. "I'm sure she is proud of you. I think she wants you to be happy."

I smiled and rubbed my eyes. I've noticed with my side sight that Seokmin is watching me with a soft smile. I turned to him and wiped his tears from his cheeks gently. His smile widened a bit and then he leaned over and our lips connected.

"I love you, Soonnie~"

"I love you, Seokie~"

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