Chapter 7

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I woke up and looked around, still lying on my bed. My body was so weak. I think I slept more than before, but still, I've somehow felt dead inside. I sighed and then I sat up slowly with a little yawn. Yesterday, when we came back into the building I said I want to be alone and I went to the gym. Maybe I trained a lot, that's why my whole body hurt.

I got up and walked over to the couch where were my clothes. I took my t-shirt and put it on, then I took my pants and also put them on. I ruffled my hair. Then I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror at myself. I looked so bad. I had black circles under my eyes. I turned on the water and rinse my face with cold water. Then I turned off the water. I wiped my face with a towel.

I got out of the bathroom and walked to the kitchen where I found Jeonghan, making breakfast for all of us. I smiled and sat down on the chair.

Jeonghan turned to me and raised his eyebrow. "Are you awake yet, Soonyoung? It's a little bit early. Others still sleeping. What are you even doing here in this hour?"

He acted like a mom. However, he was so nice to us. We all were like a family. And, of course, he was always doing amazing breakfasts. "I couldn't sleep," I answered simply as I looked behind Jeonghan. "May I help you?"

He ruffled my hair. "Of course."


After an hour, everything has been prepared at the table, waiting for the members. I sat down on my chair and waited together with Jeonghan who sat down next to me.

After a while, members began to arrive slowly. Seokmin caught my gaze and smiled at me. I looked away quickly. Everyone sat down at the table and started eating their breakfast.

Then, after a couple of minutes, Seungcheol stood up to get our full attention. He smiled. "Today we will spend together, you all remember?"

We nodded at the same time.

Seungcheol continued after a while. "Let's go somewhere to nature!"

All agreed. I cleaned all plates and then I went to my room to prepare myself. I went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I looked better than before, but still, I hoped no one would notice. I sighed. Suddenly someone knocked at my door. I got out of my bathroom.

"Come in!"

The door opened and Minghao entered with a slight smile.

"What's happening, Hao?" I asked him a bit confused as I sat down on my bed.

He closed the door behind him and then turned to me. "Are you okay?"

I frowned. He sounded as though he got worried about me. "Of course I am, Hao," I said with a grin. I tried to sound happy, though it was a little bit hard.

Minghao sighed and sat down on the couch. "Soonyoung, I know you're not fine at all. I'm not blind as you might think. I saw you in the kitchen. I've been looking at you the whole time. You look really terrible."

I bowed my head. He was right. I just lied to myself. However, everything was true. I felt tears in my eyes.


I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head. I couldn't cry. I couldn't cry in front of Minghao. I felt weaker than in the morning.

Minghao sat down beside me and gently caressed my head. "It's okay, Soonyoung," he whispered. "Please, tell me, how do you really feel?"

One tear rushed down my cheek. I wiped her with my sleeve. "I'm sorry, Hao. I didn't want you to find me here like this..."

Then I left the room.

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