Chapter 20

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Seokmin and I went out of the main house and met Minghao who, once he has noticed us, waved at us with a smile.

"Let me guess, guys," he said with a slight chuckle. "You two are together at the cottage, aren't you?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we're at cottage number five, you?"

"Number three. I'm there with Jun," Minghao replied with a slight blush. "Oh, I almost forgot, I gotta go," he added quickly, waved us, and left.

"So... Minghao is in the same cottage with Junhui, hm?" Seokmin spoke with a slight smirk. He turned to me. "I must say that you look much better than before. I think you just needed some fresh air," he said with a smile.

Even though he was smiling I still could see a worry about me in his eyes. He was smiling and yet kept worrying about me. With a sigh, I smiled at him. I didn't want him to worry about me. I felt much better than before, but I also knew why he never left me out of his eyes. He no longer trusted me. But I can blame him? No, I can't. I just did it all to myself... The only one person I can blame is me.

But then I smiled at him with a nod and we went towards our cottage side by side. I want you to love me as I love you, Lee Seokmin.

Once we reached the cottage I put my shoes off and went over to my bed. With a little sigh, I sat down on the bed and looked at still smiling Seokmin. He quickly disappeared into the small kitchen and then I heard the fridge open.

Seokmin came back and sat down on my bed next to me, handing me a can of cola.

I smiled, grabbed the can from him, and opened it. I sipped a little. "Thank you, Seok."

He smiled back. "You're welcome." He stroked my hair gently, making me giggle.

I love every single moment spent with you, Lee Seokmin. I thought while watching him. You're so amazing, so sweet, so cute! I want you to accept my feelings one day.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked suddenly with a soft smile on his face.

I flinched with myself a bit, trying not to start blushing. "I-I was just thinking about that trip. I do really love this place." I tried to sound happy and then sipped my cola.

"I'm sure you were thinking about something else, but that's okay. You don't have to say that if you don't want to," he smirked. "I think you want to know my answer finally," he stopped for a while.

I froze for a moment. He doesn't know that, does he? I started panicking inside and yet I was trying to look normal.

"I don't think I need to say anything, I think it'll be better to show you," he said softly, leaning over to me slowly. My eyes widened in shock, I wanted to start panicking, but then Seokmin has connected our lips.

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