Chapter 9

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As we reached our destination after an hour, we could sit down and rest. We have been exhausted after all day. We deserved it a lot. A couple of members were going to buy some water or something and Seungcheol was going to order some food for all of us.

Today was a sunny day, but it was cold up here. I had a warm hoodie. This hoodie was my favorite since I got it from my mom. She gave me the hoodie when I was ten. She was nice to me. I didn't even deserve her love. I didn't appreciate it at all and now I regret it a lot.

I flinched as a can of cola has appeared in front of my face. I looked up and smiled. "Thanks, Jeonghan." I took the can from him and opened it quickly. I sipped and shut my eyes for a while. It was an amazing feeling.

I was sitting alone on the ground and watching other members. I was hungry, but as soon as I saw Seungcheol coming to me, my smile widened. I took a food and thanked him with a slight nod. I deserved neither the food nor the can of cola or all of them.

I looked around, then I carefully pulled up my sleeve and looked at my left hand. I ran my fingers carefully over my other hand. I shut my eyes tightly for a while once again. It was a long time ago, but I felt like it was yesterday. Once I heard someone's footsteps approaching I pulled my sleeve back down.

He sat down beside me, opened his can of cola, and then took a few sips. He turned to me. He looked at me worriedly I saw it in his eyes. I always did. He was the one who cared about me all the time. You're special to me...

We both turned to Seungcheol who stood up, perhaps he wanted to tell us something.

"Guys, we should set up tents here. It will be dark soon."

We nodded and went for our tents. We had to divide into groups. I looked around, finding some member who was still alone. I noticed a few of them who were in their groups. Jisoo, Jeonghan, and Seungcheol were together, then Jun, Minghao, and Jihoon, I noticed another group - Seungkwan, Hansol, Mingyu, and Wonwoo. They wanted to be together and that meant the only members who were still alone were Seokmin and the youngest of us - Chan.

Chan turned to us and grinned. He walked quickly over and together we started building the tent. After several minutes, it was done. I sighed in relief. I wiped my sweat from my forehead.

Seokmin took our stuff inside. Chan and I went also inside. The tent was quite big. I unpacked my sleeping bag and they did it as well. I loved camping.

Chan sat down on his sleeping bag and smirked. "Do you like Harry Potter y'all?"

I wrapped myself in the sleeping bag. "Of course, I do! Which college is your favorite?" I asked him full of curiosity.

"Hmm, I like Slytherin a lot!"

I nodded with a big smile. "You, Seokmin?"


"Same," I nodded in agreement. I was exhausted and they both too. I had to admit it was really a demanding day. They were still talking about Harry Potter and I laid down in my sleeping bag, turning back to them. I pulled up the sleeve once again and looked at the hand. I hated myself. I shut my eyes tightly and one tear ran down my cheek. After a while, I started scratching my hand. I knew I shouldn't do this, but I couldn't help myself.

Several minutes passed and finally, they went to sleep. I could feel Seokmin's warm breath on my back. He was so close and yet so far away. I sighed quietly as I closed my eyes slowly. One tear ran down my cheek once more before then I fell asleep.

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