Chapter 21

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Seokmin pulled away from me a little with a soft smile. My cheeks turned red. For a moment, I thought I'll explode because I wanted to disappear from here right now. I didn't even know how to react.

"So... How do you feel, Soonnie?" he asked softly, grabbing my hands into his gently.

I smiled and looked down at our connected hands and my smile a bit widened. "I-I think I feel good," I said and looked up at him.

Seokmin caressed my cheek gently. "I've always loved you, Soonnie, but I didn't know how to show you my feelings, but then I noticed you've had the same feelings for me, so I thought I could show you that now. I was just waiting for a good timing," Seokmin said softly with an uncertain smile.

I looked at him with a slight smile. "I'm really glad you did it," I said and bowed my head. He took me by my chin and made me look at him.

"Don't look like that, don't be sad. You're so beautiful when you're smiling. I just want you to be happy." he smiled and pulled me into his arms. "Let me say those three magical words," he whispered into my ear softly.

"Go on," I giggled.

"I love you, babe."

"I love you too, Seokie."


In the afternoon, we went for a walk. Then we met Seungcheol with our manager.

"Hey, boys!"Mr. In waved when he noticed us.

We smiled at them and waved back, walking closer to them. "How are you?" I asked happily.

"We're good. I was just showing Seungcheol the nature around."

I looked around and smiled. "Yeah... the nature is really beautiful."

Seokmin put his arm around my neck gently and smiled as well. "I agree. It's beautiful."

Mr. In and Seungcheol have looked at us with suspicious smiles. I've noticed Mr. In leaned over to Seungcheol to whisper something into his ear. I slightly frowned. 

Then suddenly Seungcheol's smile widened. "Hyeseob is right. You two are really cute together! Are you together, aren't you!?"

My cheeks turned red and I quickly bowed my head. Seokmin laughed a bit with a slight nod. "Yeah, we're together," he said softly.


A few hours have passed. I still couldn't believe that we were together after all. I thought Seokmin would never love me because I thought I was just his best friend.

We all sat down on the ground around the campfire. Jisoo took along with him his guitar and started playing some songs. Jihoon also came to us with his guitar and added to Jisoo. The other members started singing including me. I felt finally happy after a long time. Seokmin leaned closer to me, putting his arm around my neck gently. I turned to him with a light smile.

Then after such a beautiful night, others started leaving. Jeonghan took Jisoo by his hand, giving him a light kiss on his cheek, making Jisoo giggle.

Junhao couple also left hand in hand and others just left as fast as possible. All of us have been tired. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. Seokmin smiled at me. "Let's go, Soonnie~ I think you're tired, and don't tell me that you are not!" He helped me up and hand in hand, we went towards our cottage.

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