Chapter 17

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I gulped, waiting for what was to come. I grabbed Seungkwan by his sleeve. "Please... don't do this..." I whispered almost inaudibly, trying to avoid my father's look. "Please, Seungkwan-"

"Stop, Soonyoung," he said strictly. "And you, Mr. Kwon, please leave your son alone. Please... Leave him here with us. He's happy here! So... I'm begging you, leave him with us."

"I said it before," he growled. "He'll come with me!"

He grabbed my hand tightly and wanted to pull me to him, but Seungkwan grabbed my other hand, trying to pull me to him at the same time.

"I said he'll stay here!"

I wanted to run out of here. I didn't want to be here. My eyes have fulfilled with tears again. Everything got blurred. "Shut up y'all!" I shouted out loud all of sudden.


Seokmin came to me, putting his hand on my shoulder gently, giving me his concerned look.

I gave him a slight smile and turned back at my father who kept standing in front of me with a smirk.

"Please, father... Let me stay here." I've felt desperate. I wanted to stay here with them. Seungkwan was right. I've been happy here, but I hadn't appreciated it at all before, but now I know where I want to be. This is the only place where I could be finally happy at least a little.

My father deeply sighed. "Fine-" He frowned. "But if it doesn't work out, don't come back. You don't have a home from today." Then my father left with those words.

I sat down on the sofa heavily and wiped one tear from my cheek. I kept sitting and looking into space.

Seokmin sat down beside me and his hand laid around my neck carefully. "It's okay, Soonyoungie, he's gone."

"He's right, Soonyoung and you still have a home and family, you have us," Seungcheol added with a supportive smile.

Seokmin pulled me into his warm hug. Now I've felt safe. He put his hands around my body. I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. My father has finally been gone...

All members left to leave us alone here.

I started silently crying.

"Shhh, I'm here. You're safe, Soonyoungie," Seokmin kept repeating with a soft voice. Then he wiped my tears from my cheeks and a slight smile has appeared on my face. 

"You're so cute when you're smiling, Soonnie~" he whispered softly into my ear.

I giggled silently.

He pulled me closer to him. I could hear beating his heart. I could feel his warm body. I've wanted to feel his warm body every single day. I've wanted to feel what I felt now.

"You have to be strong, Soonyoungie! I know you're stronger than you think."

"I don't think so, I'm just a weak boy who cries at night or when he's alone in his room..."

"Please... Be strong! I know it's hard, but I do trust you! You can do it! I-I don't know your past and I don't even know what had happened to you. Maybe you had been just alone when you just needed help the most, but now I'm here for you, all members are here for you, ready to help you immediately when you need it."

"I know..." I said tiredly. Thank you, Seokminie for everything you have done for me. Thank you for being here. Maybe I'll tell you about my past one day when I am ready...

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