Chapter 8

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Everyone was standing in front of the bus. I was staring at them. No one noticed me yet. I sighed. All of them were waiting for me. I just haven't been ready. However, at least I thought everyone was on the bus, but I was wrong. Someone laid a hand on my shoulder gently. I flinched a bit and then I slowly turned to the person.


He sadly smiled. "Soonyoung. What's wrong with you?" he asked worriedly.

"N- Nothing."

"I don't trust you and you know it very well."

I turned back and my eyes found the only person. He was just standing in front of the bus, but unlike others, they laughed together. He was just standing there and turning around. He was looking for me, I was sure about that.


I flinched once again. I fully forgot that Minghao was still here.

"Are you sure? I'm asking you like your friend, Soonyoung. You can tell me everything," Minghao said. "But if you really don't feel well then we should tell Seungcheol."

I quickly shook my head. "Please, no."

Minghao deeply sighed. "Fine, let's go then," he said. "Everyone just waiting for us."

I nodded.


After an hour we got out of the bus, then I looked around. I made a little smile on my face. It was beautiful. I could feel the fresh air after a while, that was what I needed the most.

"Glad to see your smile."

I turned to him and my smile a little bit widened.

He laid his hand around my neck gently. Then we both walked towards the others.

"Who likes hiking?" Seungcheol asked us a bit excitedly.

"I like it a bit," Chan said as no one said anything. He was the youngest of us, but I liked him a lot. He was an amazing friend and he was also very funny.

After a while, I raised my hand. "Me too."

A couple of members looked at me. I quickly looked on the ground. 

"Me too and I think Jun likes hiking too, am I right?" Minghao replied as he turned to Junhui with a stern look.

I chuckled a bit. Minghao stood next to me and ruffled my hair. I laughed. "Stop!"

Seungcheol watched us with a big smile for a while, then shook his head and turned to others. "And what about you?"

"Have we a choice?" Jihoon asked nervously.

"No, you don't," Seungcheol replied with a smirk. "Let's go, guys! The lunch is waiting for us!"

"Wait. You said a lunch!? Why didn't you say it before!?" Mingyu shouted and suddenly went faster than before. A couple of members laughed. I loved the days we spent all together. I grinned. All of them were special to me, especially Seokmin. He was the one I liked a lot. It was him I had feelings for. Though I knew he would never feel the same as me. I smiled sadly. He was so close and yet so far away. These thoughts hurt so much, however, I was just smiling.

"What are you thinking about, Soonyoungie?"

I flinched a bit. I didn't expect it at all. I turned to him slowly with a slight smile. "Just... I love it here so much. The nature here is beautiful."

He looked around and nodded in agreement. "You're right. Nature is beautiful. Seungcheol had one of the best ideas ever," he added with a laugh.

"Yeah, I agree!" Jisoo joined.

I loved hiking. When I was younger, I always went to the mountains with my mom, before that happened... I shook my head. It's happened 5 years ago. Today, I'm here with my friends and I'll enjoy it here like I did with my mom back then. Nobody knows my past and I think it's better that way. Now let's enjoy the trip with members along!

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