Chapter 3

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After a week, my hand was better than before. The two cared about me, Seokmin mainly.

Today, we had a practice. I entered and sat down on the floor to the wall and waited for members.

"You're here early, Soonyoung."

I a little bit flinched with myself and turned to the person. It was Seungcheol - Our leader.

"Hi, yeah... I- I couldn't sleep at all."

"You okay?" he asked me worriedly.

I nodded. "Please, don't ask me, if I'm okay never again. And yeah... I'm fine."

He nodded and then other members entered. I stood up and went to them.


After practice, I sat down heavily on the ground. I felt like I could die in a moment.

"How do you feel?" Seokmin sat down beside me with a little smile.

"Eh- Good. I think I could be better next time."

"What are you talking about? You were awesome! You're one of the best dancers here! What do you want more!?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. I just wanna be the best... I know how it sounds..."

"Maybe I get it, Soonyoungie. But you're the best dancer, I know it."

"Seokmin's right, Soonyoung," Seungkwan suddenly added to the conversation. "We will have a debut soon and we need a choreography immediately. I thought you will be the main choreographer and, along with Chan, you will be the main dancer."

"I- I don't know... I-"

"Please, Soonyoung." Minghao appeared along with Junhui. "You weren't here last week, but our group was divided into three sub-units. A Hip-hop unit, a Vocal unit, and the last one is a Performance unit. There will be you, Chan, Junhui, and me. And... we thought you might be our leader. Surprise!"

I couldn't believe what I saw and heard. I thought that was just a really bad joke, but, after a few seconds, I realized that everything was real.

"I'm a leader of the Vocal unit," Jihoon spoke.

Then appeared even Seungcheol. "And I'm not just a leader of our group. I'm also a leader of the Hip-hop unit," he grinned. "And now, we have a work."

Everyone left except Minghao, Junhui, and Chan. They remained here. I took a deep breath and got up.

"We could start with choreography," Chan suggested.

We nodded. They were amazing dancers. After an hour, we sat down on the ground and laughed together. We were exhausted. The choreography was amazing, but a little hard. I suddenly knew I wasn't alone. They were here for me. They helped me a lot and I appreciated it.

"I love you, guys," Chan grinned. "I'm thrilled I'm here with you all."

"Yeah! So do I! And you're our beloved maknae, Chan," Minghao answered, hugging him.

I chuckled. I love them too. They were special to me. The group was special. Our debut quickly approached. I was happy to be here with them, but-

"Hey, Soonyoung! You wanna go with us to the cafe?"



We entered the cafe and looked around.

"There!" Chan pointed at the table in the corner of the cafe. We sat down on the chairs and Minghao ordered a cafe for all of us. We had a lot of fun together. They were amazing friends, but my thoughts kept coming back to the boys who might be here instead of me now.

"What are you thinking about, Soonyoung?" Minghao asked me all of a sudden.

I flinched with myself a little and made a smile on my face. "Nothing. I just wondered what other members do now."

Minghao raised one eyebrow, after a while, he made sure I was telling him the truth, just shrugged, and turned back to Jun.


We went back to our dorm, other members were in our common room.

"Where have you been, guys?" Seungcheol asked curiously. "I was looking for you."

Seokmin pointed to the spot beside him. I grinned and sat down beside him on the sofa.

"We were at the cafe," Minghao answered calmly.

The silence broke Seungkwan's shout. "WITHOUT ME!??? HOW DARE YOU!?"

Seokmin started laughing along with the others. Seokmin put his arm around my neck. I was a little tired after all day. So I put my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

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