Chapter 16

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My father kept sitting on his chair with an unreadable expression. Everything got blurred. I turned around and ran out of the office. I ignored the shouting of my father and other members, just kept running away.

I locked myself in my room and sat down on the floor by the door. I was heavily breathing. My chest was rising rapidly. I tried to inhale and exhale. After a few seconds, someone started pounding on the door.

"Soonyoung! Open the door! I know you're there!"

I pulled my knees close to my body and hugged them around with my hands. Then I put my head on my knees, hid my face, and started quietly crying.

"Open the door, Soonyoung!" The pounding on the door intensified.

I covered my ears with my hands. I got up, ran to the bathroom, and shut the door behind me.

I could still hear that pounding on the door, the shouting of my father and other members who got worried about me.


I got up slowly, walking towards the door and then I heard someone.

"He's gone. Your father returned to the office. He looked really mad..."

I unlocked the door and opened them slowly. I looked to the ground where was sitting Seokmin. He turned to me, then he got up. "Are you okay, Soonyoungie? What happened in there? Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head. "I have to leave this group..." My voice broke. My body betrayed me and my tears as well. I slumped to the ground and started crying. I covered my face with my hands. I really didn't wanna start crying in front of him again.

He knelt next to me and pulled me into his warm hug. "It's okay, Soonyoungie. I'm here." Seokmin caressed my back gently. Then he got up and held out his hand to me. 

I looked up at him to see his cute smile. I took his hand and got up on my feet with his help. He still held my hand in his. I didn't care about it. It was so cute. I wanted to tell him how much I loved him, but I couldn't. Not now...

We went to the common room hand in hand. I seriously loved that feeling. And it hurt a little when he stepped away from me and I couldn't feel his hand in mine. Everyone looked at us.

I bowed my head and went to sit down on the nearest sofa. Seokmin followed me quietly.

"Soonyoung has a little problem..." Seokmin said almost inaudibly.

"Let me guess - His father!?"

I nodded instead of Seokmin. I didn't have enough strength for talking with members. I knew my father will come for me soon. I felt it.

"What exactly happened?" Seungkwan asked with a serious voice.

"Soonyoung have to leave us..." Seokmin said it instead of me because I wasn't able to say that. I felt weaker than before. So I just bowed my head in agreement.

After a few minutes of silence, I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the person.

He looked concerned. "Is that true, Sooonyoungie?"

I nodded. "My father is surely at the office again and talking about me..."

"You can't leave us!" Seungkwan shouted. "You can't..."

Minghao came to us, trying to assure Seungkwan. "Soonyoung, I want to know a truth-" he stopped for a while with a little sigh. "Who is your father really like?"

Before I could say something the door opened quickly and my father entered with his smirk. "Let's go, Soonyoung. It's time to say goodbye to your friends."

I felt a couple of tears in my eyes, but I did what he said. I stood up slowly and wanted to go to him, but Seungkwan's hand has stopped me.

"He won't go anywhere."

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