Chapter 19

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"We're here, y'all!" Seungcheol shouted aloud, grabbing his own luggage and we did the same. Once I got out of the bus, I looked around. I could've seen many cottages around. I put my luggage on the ground carefully. The place looked really nice.

"Wow! I like this place!" Jeonghan said, standing next to me and putting his suitcase on the ground.

I turned to him with a smile. "Yeah, me too," I responded simply.

After a few minutes, Seungcheol came to us and handed us papers with the numbers of our cottages. I thanked him and looked at the paper.

"What is your number, Soonyoung?" Jeonghan asked. "My number is two and yours?"

"My number is five..."

"So... Let's go to find our cottages!" 

I smiled and nodded. I grabbed my luggage in my hands and went to my cottage. We've found Jeonghan's cottage. I waved to him and went to find the cottage with my number. Finally, after a few minutes, I found the place. I carefully opened the door and closed it behind me. I've noticed some stuff on the right bed. So I put my luggage on the left bed. Who is my roommate?

I sat down on the bed and sighed. It was really a long way. I felt exhausted. The door suddenly opened and Seokmin's head has appeared inside the house. Once he saw me, his eyes lit up. He quickly came to me. "WOW! We're roommates! It's amazing!" he screamed out and started shaking with me.

"Pl-Please, stop!" I said with a shaky voice.

He stepped back a little with an apologetic smile. Then he turned back to his luggage. Seokmin sat down on his bed and looked at me seriously. "How do you feel?"

"I think I feel good, Seok." I gave him a big smile.

"Good to hear, Soonyoungie," Seokmin replied with a grin. Then he stood up and came over to me, pulling me into a warm hug. 

I hugged him back, hiding my face in his chest. After a while, Seokmin stepped back. "Do you want to go out with me?"

"Why not? I'm sure you just want to know other's numbers, am I right?"

"Eh... Yeah, maybe," Seokmin said with an uncertain laugh.

I smiled and then we went off the house together.

Jeonghan, who has noticed us, ran up to us as fast as possible. "Guess what!?"

"What?" Seokmin asked simply.

"My roommate is Jisoo!" He shouted out loud and then he quickly covered his mouth. "I'm with Jisoo," He repeated quietly full of enthusiasm.

Seokmin grinned. "It's amazing, Jeonghan! I'm wondering what numbers others have."

"Me too," Jeonghan repeated immediately. 

After a while, we entered the main house where there were already a couple of members sitting around the tables and talking with each other. Jeonghan ran over to the table where Jisoo already has been.

Seokmin and I sat down at the nearest table. Seungcheol, who has noticed us, came over and sat down at the table with a big smile. "Are you two guys at the same cottage?" he asked quickly.

We nodded at the same time. "And you? What is your cottage number?" I asked.

"It's a number one, I'm there alone so far, but I think our manager will be there with me."

Seokmin and I looked at each other a bit suspiciously.

"What?" Seungcheol asked with a raised brow.

"Nothing," we answered quickly and burst out laughing.

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