Chapter 18

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I a little yawned and opened my eyes. Then I quickly sat up and looked around. What am I doing here? Did Seokmin bring me here again?

The door opened slowly and Seokmin has appeared with a tray in his hands and gave me one of his bright smiles.

I smiled back at him.

"Good morning, Soonyoungie. How did you sleep?" he asked softly, putting the tray on the nightstand.

"Good morning, Seokminnie, I slept well, I think," I said and rubbed my eyes.

He laughed quietly and stroked my hair, sitting down next to me on the bed. "How do you feel?"

"I think it's much better, thank you for taking care of me, Seokie."

He grinned. "This is a matter of course. I just wanna take care of someone who is really special to me, that's all."

I looked down. "Are you serious? You think I am special?" I said silently.

"Of course, you do!" He said and hugged me.

I felt many tears in my eyes again. Finally, I felt I wasn't alone here. He has always been here. He just tried to protect me. He was the one who has been here the whole time.

"It's okay, Soonyoungie, am here."

I smiled into his chest. I love you, Seokminnie... And I hope you will one day too...


"So... I forgot to mention that we are going on another trip," Seungcheol told us with a little uncertain smile. "I-I know it's a little sudden, but our CEO thought it could be the best solution to forget what happened yesterday... Am so sorry, Soonyoungie..."

Many members turned to me. I looked down quickly. "It-It's okay, Cheol."

Seokmin sat down next to me and put his hand on my right shoulder gently, then gave me a supportive smile.

"I agree with Seungcheol," Minghao spoke all of sudden. "I think he's right. It really may be the best solution to forget what happened."

"Yeah! I think we just need some distraction, that's all!" Wonwoo added.

I smiled and rested my head on Seokmin's shoulder. All members are so amazing!

"Yeah! It's a really great idea!" Mingyu said, putting his hand around Wonwoo's neck.

Seokmin smiled. "I think all of us deserve it."

I turned my head to him and gave him a slight smile. He looked at me and smiled back.

"Yeah, Seokmin's right. We deserve it," Seungkwan said and turned to me with a huge smile. "I think Soonyoung deserves it way more than any of us."


"Are you prepared, Soonyoung? It's time to go!" Seokmin shouted and entered my room. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw me sitting on my bed.

"Are-Are you okay, Soonyoungie? Is something wrong?" he asked with a concerned voice. He knelt in front of me and grabbed my hands into his. "Please, don't be sad. I wanna see your smile again."

I shook my head. "I-I want to say you something I-"

I got interrupted by Seungkwan who entered my room. "Hey! We're being late! We need to go now!"

Seokmin quickly ran out of my room and Seungkwan as well. Both of them were running for their suitcases and I did the same. I grabbed my suitcase and ran out as fast as possible.

When I got out of the building finally I saw Seungcheol who gave me a strict look. 

I hurried to the bus with the words 'I'm sorry' and took a seat. Then I realized I wasn't the last member. With a smile, I looked outside to see Seokmin and Seungkwan running to the bus.

Seungkwan walked to the back of the bus and Seokmin sat down next to me with a deep sigh. 

I scoffed a little.

He turned to me with a strict smile and I quickly turned my head away, looking out of the bus.

Seokmin chuckled and lay his hand around my neck gently. "I hope you enjoy this trip, Soonyoungie," he said softly.

I also hope so...

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