Chapter 26

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I opened my eyes slowly and sat up on my bed. Then I closed my eyes tightly because I got suddenly a headache.

"You okay!?" Seokmin asked and quickly ran over to my bed and sat down beside me, putting his hand on my shoulder carefully.

I nodded and looked at him. "I'm so sorry for the troubles."

"No, no, no, Soonyoungiee~ Shhh... You don't have to apologize to me. It's understandable. You just got scared of all the things that had happened before."

I shook my head slightly, trying to stop my tears. I didn't want to cry in front of him, not again.

Seokmin noticed and pulled me into his arms. "Shhh... I'm here, sweetie~"

I put my arms around his chest and hugged him tightly. I needed to feel his presence. I needed to feel his warm body. He was the only one who meant a safe place to me. With him, I felt safe at least a bit. His honey voice was so soothing.

Why am I still so stupid!? He cared for me from the beginning, he had always been here when I needed him, but  then I just decided to commit suicide!? What the heck is wrong with me!?

After a few minutes, I pulled away a bit from him and wiped the last tears from my cheeks, and leaned my back against the wall.

"You okay, Soonnie?" he asked with a worried face. "Gonna the kitchen, do you wanna something? Cola? Sprite or just a glass of water?"

I chuckled softly and shook my head. "Am fine and Cola will be fine."

He caressed my hair and then quickly walked to the kitchen.

"Am back!" he said happily, showing me a can of cola in his hand, then handed it to me and sat down back on the bed beside me. He opened his can of cola and I did the same and sipped a bit.

"It's so delicious! I could drink it every day," I said with a huge smile.

Seokmin turned to me and made a big smile on his face."It's rare to see your smile lately, but I think I'm getting used to it."

I punched his shoulder gently and smirked, then my smile fell. "I think it's time to forget the past and move on, even though it's a little bit hard to not see all the things that had happened to me before."

Seokmin looked at me worriedly. "I know it's hard, Soonyoung, but you're stronger than you think. You can do it and also, you are not alone because I am here and the other members as well."

I rested my head on Seokmin's shoulder gently and closed my eyes. "Thank you, Seokmin."

"For what?"

"For everything you have done for me."

"It was nothing, Soonyoungie, I would do everything for you," Seokmin said with a calm voice.

"Do not say that," I answered quietly with a sigh.

Seokmin furrowed his eyebrows a little.

"You can't do everything for me, Seokmin... Do not promise me something you can't fulfill."

"You're right, Soonyoung. I can't do everything, but at least, I can try to make you happy," he spoke, giving me a light kiss on my cheek.

"Hm... fine!" I giggled.

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