Chapter 27

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"Soonyoung! How do you feel?"

"It's much better, thanks for asking," I said with a soft smile.

"Are you going to the main house for breakfast?"


Jisoo and I walked to the main house together. He was really a good friend. Seokmin was right. Jisoo and the others always took care of me.

I took a tray with food and went over to my table. I sat down and started eating. I didn't eat much these days, so I was really starving. Now I felt like someone else.

"Can I join?"

I smiled with a slight nod. "Of course, Jisoo."

Jisoo put his tray on the table and sat down across from me. Suddenly Jeonghan appeared and sat down beside Jisoo, giving him a light kiss on his cheek. Then Seokmin came to us from nowhere and gave me a back hug. After that, Seokmin sat down beside me.

"So... How are you doing, guys?" Seokmin asked them.

I think we're doing great, Seok," Jeonghan gave us a huge smile and grabbed Jisoo's hand. "And you two as well as I can see," he smirked and my cheeks turned red all of sudden.

I made a nervous smile and slowly turned to Seokmin. "Are we good, right?"

Seokmin's smile widened. "Of course we are good, Soonyoungie~" Seokmin turned to Jeonghan with a strict gaze. "Don't stare at us, Jeonghan! I think you have other things to do, right!?" Seokmin looked at Jisoo and then looked back to Jeonghan.

Jeonghan giggled. "Yeah~ But you two look so damn good together."

"Haha, thanks! You too!" Seokmin smiled.

Jeonghan winked, leaning over and giving Jisoo a kiss on his lips.


I went out of the main house and then I looked toward the last cottages. I saw Jihoon and Samuel talking with each other and then I noticed Chan talking with Dongjin. Such adorable pairs. I thought for myself and walked away before they could notice me.

After a few minutes, standing on the edge of a hill with my eyes closed and enjoying the silence, Jihoon came to me quickly.

"Soonyoung? Can I talk to you?"

I turned to him with a nod.

"I talked with Samuel before and I-I think that there is a little chemistry between us. I-I think I'm falling for him!"

"See?" I smirked. "I knew you two will be together one day!"

"But we are not together yet!"

"You'll be, you'll be, my little friend." I laughed. "And... Did you see Chan? He looked so nervous!" Jihoon and I burst out laughing.

"Yeah~ I saw him!" Jihoon replied. "I think Chan and that boy also will be together one day."

"Mhm~ I also think so, Jihoon. I think it'll be the best trip after all!"

"I feel a little sad cause there are only a few days left, then we have to go back to Pledis."

I sighed. "You're right. I'm not sure if I want to go back at all."

"Me neither, Soonyoung..."

"Of course, I want to debut, but when I had been there I felt empty and lost... But here, I finally feel full of energy! I found myself... I found him..."

"I understand you, Soonyoung. I can imagine how you feel, and I also want to debut. But sometimes it was hard. Sometimes I felt very tired."

I sighed and then made a little smile on my face. "Let's forget the past and look ahead."

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