Chapter 28

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A few days passed by and we were about to come back to our organization today.

"Come on! Let's go! Our bus is waiting for us!" our manager shouted at us and all of us grabbed our luggage and went down the hill toward the bus.

As soon as we reached our destination we went quickly inside to take our seats. When I sat down I felt very tired. I closed my eyes for a moment. Suddenly I could feel Seokmin's presence and hand on my leg. I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head to him, making a slightly tired smile.

It was evening and we still haven't our dinner at all, but we could take something with us. We already knew we'll going to go all night.

"Aren't you hungry, Soonyoungie?" Seokmin asked me with a worried voice.

I shook my head. "No, I'm not, just tired."

He nodded a bit and took out from his bag his dinner and started eating.

I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder slowly and closed my eyes.


"Soonyoungie~ We're here," Seokmin whispered in my ear.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes gently. I opened my eyes slowly and turned to Seokmin. He gave me a soft kiss on my cheek and grabbed my hand into his. Helped me get up and then we walked, hand in hand, out of the bus.

I was still a little bit sleepy, I rubbed my eyes again and let Seokmin lead me into the building.

He turned to me and laughed a bit. "You're so cute when you're sleepy."

I yawned once again and smiled at him.

"Why are you so adorable when you're smiling?"

I shrugged and giggled.

"Don't do this!" Seokmin laughed. "It's too much cuteness for me! I wasn't prepared for this! I swear you're tryna kill me!"

I chuckled and hugged him. He hugged me back. "I love you, Seokie so much!"

"I love you too, sweetie," he said softly. Then, hand in hand, we followed members to our common room.


"How did you enjoy our trip!?" Seungcheol asked happily.

"We enjoyed it so much, Cheol!" Jeonghan said and kissed Jisoo.

I smiled. They were so adorable together. Seokmin noticed my look and rested his arm around my neck and pulled me closer to his body.

"It was a relaxing trip," Minghao added and smirked at Junhui.

"Hansol was just trying to kiss me all the time!" Seungkwan pouted his lips.

Everyone laughed.

Hansol smirked and leaned over to Seungkwan and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

"What are you doing, Hansol!?" he yelled.

"Don't say to me you don't like it, Kwan~ You're desperate for my kisses," Hansol answered with a slight smirk.

"What the f-"

Hansol stopped him with his lips on Seungkwan's.

"So... How was it?"

Seungkwan's cheeks turned red. "I- Argh... Fine! I admit it was not the worst, but it was not even the best!"

Hansol laughed. "I'll do it better then!"

"Don't even tryy-aaaah-"


Everyone started laughing.

I was laughing as well. Seungkwan was the best comedian ever! I couldn't stop laughing at all. I couldn't breathe and I almost started crying with laughter.

"Can I see tears of laughter, Soonnie~?"

"I... I don't know what are you talking about, Seok." I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes.

Seokmin laughed. "You're my little comedian, aren't you?"

I crossed my arm on my chest. "Nope."

He shook his head. "Haha, okay then... you're my little adorable comedian, is that better?"

I smiled. "Much better," I said with a giggle.

"Come here~" Seokmin said, pulling me closer to him.

His arms around my body and his warm body always made me feel safe.

Thank you, Seokmin, for being here with me. Thank you for making me happy. I always appreciate every moment spent with you. Thank you for saving me from myself.

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