Chapter 10

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It was early morning and every one of us had already been awakened. I've been ready to return back to the dorm. I had to admit I enjoyed the day a lot. I smiled for myself. I'll have great memories of the trip.

When all were ready, we went slowly towards the bus. After an hour, we have been finally on the bus. I sighed in relief. I found my seat and sat down. I was looking through the window, holding my left hand. My hand burned because I scratched it yesterday. I felt tired more and more every day.


I yawned a bit and got up when I noticed we had been here. I took my stuff and walked inside, following other members. After a while, I opened my door and entered my room. I shut the door behind me, threw the stuff in the corner, and jumped into my bed. The trip was amazing, but I felt more tired than usual. The hand still burned. I groaned and sat up on the bed. I pulled up the sleeve and looked at my hand. I swallowed as I noticed bloody scratches. I quickly went to the bathroom and turned on cold water on my hand. I hissed a little. Then I turned off the water and return back to my room.

What should I do?

I turned to my back and walked over to the first aid kit. Then I took out a bandage carefully. I didn't like it, but it was the only solution to protect me from myself.

Then as I was done finally I looked at the clock on the wall. I'm being late! I'm sure all are waiting for me! I quickly left my room and shut the door, running to the common room where all have already been, how else. As I entered inside all eyes turned to me. I gulped and slowly closed the door and walked over to the sofa and sat down, looking on the ground. "I'm sorry for being late," I said nervously. Before I went to the door I made sure I pulled down my sleeve so no one could see my hand.

"Nothing happened, Soonyoung," Seungcheol smiled at me. "I just wanted to say, I enjoyed our time together yesterday and I also wanna say how much I'm proud of you all!" he said proudly. "All of you work hard and thank you all for what you're doing." All started clapping. He'll be the best leader ever, I'm sure about that. He was taking care of us all, he also was working hard.

Minghao went to me and crouched down. "You okay, Soonyoung? You know I'm not blind and I hope you still remember what I told you before. You have come to me anytime, but now we have to go to the gym to prepare the choreography."


After preparing the choreography all of us were exhausted. My hand still burned a lot. However, I was trying to behave normally. I went to the corner, holding my left hand. I sat down heavily. After a moment, Chan brought me a bottle of water. I thanked him and opened the bottle. I was thirsty. After all, I sighed in relief. The choreography has finally been done.

"How do you feel?" Minghao asked me with a slight smile, sitting down on the floor along with Jun and Chan.

I grinned. "I feel well, I guess," I said with relief. I didn't lie, it was true. "The choreography is finally prepared."

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