Chapter 12

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I sat up on my bed early in the morning. I yawned and looked at the nightstand where was placed a cup of tea. I smiled a bit, taking the cup in my hand. I sipped a little and closed my eyes for a while.

"Am glad you awake already."

I choked, returning the cup of tea back to the nightstand. "What are you doing here, Seokmin?"

"Who do you think brought the cup of tea? And also, I don't wanna leave you alone here. After yesterday, I can't trust you anymore."

I sighed with a slight nod. "I fully understand you, Seokmin," I said sadly. I couldn't be mad at him. He had a right to be angry at me. I did something really bad and now I was regretting it a lot. I don't wanna lose him, he is important to me. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Welcome," he said with a slight smile, sitting down beside me.

I smiled for myself. He was so close to me. I could feel his warm breath. He was so close and still so far from me. I needed him in my life. He was something I adored the most. I loved him, even though I knew he would never love me back.

"I ask you again, Soonyoung. Why did you wanna harm yourself?" he asked me carefully. I also noticed his concern for me in his eyes.

I sighed. "I- I'm not sure- I needed to hurt myself all of sudden. Am sorry, Seokmin."

He shook his head and furrowed his eyebrow. "I don't trust you, Soonyoung. Why didn't you tell me that?" Why didn't tell me about this?" He said, pointing at my hand.

I looked at the scars on my hand with a sigh. "I'm sorry, Seokmin," I whispered in pain. The hand began to burn.

"No," he said suddenly. "I think something had happened in your past, am I right?" he asked me uncertainly.

I looked away and slightly nodded. "Yeah, something had happened," I said quietly, looking at my hands. My hands started shaking a bit.

He grabbed my hands into his. "It's alright, Soonyoungie. I'm here. I want to just say that you can always tell me about your problems, okay?"

I slightly nodded, slowly looking up at him. One tear ran down my cheek. He wiped her away carefully. He kept repeating "It's alright." I really wanted to tell him how much I love him, but my fear got bigger than before. Then I just gave him one of my neutral glances with a small smile on my face. He has always known what I needed the most. He has always taken care of me. He has always been there for me when I needed him the most. He was the only one who could save me in front of myself.


It was being late afternoon and I was walking through the hallway to the gym. I slowly opened the door, finding that all already have been there.

My hand kept burning, but I tried to cover it up in front of all of them here. I tried to hide the pain behind a smile.

"I heard from Seokmin you don't feel well, Soonyoung," Seungkwan started with a face filled with worry about me. "You didn't have to walk here if you really don't feel well at all. And what even happened to you?"

He was full of questions. I was tired of it, but I kept smiling.

Minghao came up to us quickly. "Seungkwan, calm down and leave him alone. He just entered here," Minghao looked at him strictly. Then Minghao turned back to me. "Are you okay? I know I have to be annoyed cause I ask you the same question as the others, but all here got worried about you, Soonyoung," he explained with a calm voice, putting his hand on my shoulder carefully.

"I'm fine, Hao, don't worry about me, y'all," I said with a fake smile filled a pain. I needed to go to the fresh air now. I turned around, walking quickly to the door. "I'll be back soon, guys!" I shouted at them and shut the door behind me, running through the hallway to the front door. I needed the fresh air right now. I'm sorry, y'all, for making you worry about me...

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