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A few years passed by and we became more popular. Our fans loved us. And what about me? I was really happy. Okay... Sometimes it was hard because we have a lot of work, but I belonged here. This was my home after all.

All of us had a day off today, so we decided to go to the nearby park. I was so excited. I haven't been there for weeks because of work.

"Guys!? Are you ready?" Seungcheol asked. 

All of us nodded.


"Here we are! Let's enjoy this day! I was waiting for this day for weeks!" Seungcheol said full of enthusiasm.

We played many games together. Then Seokmin took me away from the other members. He grabbed my hands and looked deeply into my eyes. "I love you, Soonyoungie. I just want you to know that I will never leave you. I love you now and I will love you forever," he said with a soothing voice. 

"I love you too, Seokminnie," I spoke while looking into his beautiful eyes. "I love you so much! I've always loved you, I was just too scared to say it loud though."

"It's okay, Soonyoung. I know it now and it's all that matters," Seokmin answered me with a calm voice, caressing my cheek gently. "Everything that happened is just a past. We started a new life, Soonyoung! Never forget that we are stronger together!"

Seokmin smiled and came closer to me, making me look into his eyes. Then our lips connected.



Whoa... This is really the end of the book. I don't know if I am happy or sad because I really loved this book so much.

I hope you enjoyed this book as well and now I can say that I will start working on my other published books and then I wanted to start finally working on my books in my drafts. Whoa xdd

So... Thank you so much for your huge support, your votes, and your comments. I do really appreciate it a lot!

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