Chapter 13

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I was sitting on the bench in front of the building all alone, holding my left hand. I closed my eyes. Then I opened them again with one tear streaming my cheek.

Someone wiped the tear away from my cheek. I looked at him and tried to make a slight smile.

"It's alright, Soonyoungie. You don't have to smile if you aren't feeling well at all. You don't have to hide your feelings in front of me."

My smile disappeared and I bowed my head. "Am sorry for worrying about me."

"You don't have to apologize to me at all." He pulled me into a warm hug. I closed my eyes and smiled. I could feel his warm body. I could feel his breath. But something has been missed. His love to me. It was hurt so much. My heart has been shattered. The only one who could fix my heart didn't love me at all.

After a few minutes, we returned to the gym. All looked at us. Seungkwan with Minghao came up to us quickly.

"Where did you find him?"

"He was just sitting on the bench in front of the building," Seokmin answered to Seungkwan.

Minghao tapped my shoulder with a smile and then he pulled me into a tight hug. "Please, don't do this again."

I nodded with a grin.

"Don't forget, Soonyoung! Now you're one of us. We're your new family. When you have a problem, so you can go to tell it to someone of us."

I smiled. "I get it, Hao."

"Okay, Our training ended today and you, Soonyoung, take some rest."

"Thank you, Seungcheol," I said.

"Okay, guys," Seokmin said, turning to me. "Let's go, Soonyoung." Seokmin put his hand around my neck. Then we went slowly to the door and then we went towards my room.

I sat down on my bed. I felt exhausted all of sudden. My past has haunted me. I still could see the past in front of my eyes. I shook my head. I looked at Seokmin who entered my room with a cup of tea. He sadly smiled and handed me the cup. I took it and sipped a little. Then I put the cup of tea on the nightstand.

He sat down beside me on the bed. "It'll be okay," he said, trying to reassure me.

I smiled. He was so kind. He treated me like my boyfriend, even though I knew it wasn't possible. He liked me just like a friend, nothing more, nothing less. My heart ached. I felt sick of it. I needed to feel his love for me. I needed it. I felt dizzy. I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes for a while.

Seokmin was still sitting on the edge of my bed, watching me. "How do you feel? Is there something that could I do?"

I sighed as I opened my eyes. I looked at him and made a sad smile. No. You can do nothing right now since you don't love me at all.

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