Chapter 23

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The next day in the morning, I went to the main house and noticed Jihoon who was looking at the new boys. I smirked a bit, walking toward him.

"Good morning, Jihoon."

He flinched a little and turned to me. "Good morning, Soonyoung," he said and turned back at the boys. I giggled a bit and sat down across from Jihoon.

"So... Are you in love?"

He coughed and turned to me. "What?"

"I'm talking about those guys over there," I smirked.

"I-I don't know what are you talking about!?" he said in shock.

"You sure? Because your cheeks are saying something else."

Jihoon quickly hid his cheeks with sleeves. "I- Fine..." he groaned.

"Who are you like?"

Jihoon sighed and smiled. "What is the name of the guy with long hair?"

I giggled. "Kim Samuel."

Jihoon with a smile shook his head a bit. "Why am I not even surprised? You know the names of the boys because of your bestie! Because he's everywhere and he is seriously telling you everything," he laughed sarcastically.

I slightly nodded in agreement. "Yea, he is really telling me everything."

Jihoon turned back to Samuel with light red cheeks. I stood up slowly and went off the building. I quickly ran towards cottage number four. When I reach my destination I knocked at the door. "Seungkwan can I go inside?"

The door opened after a moment. Seungkwan smiled at me. "Of course, you can."

I entered inside. "I hope I don't disturb you-" I turned towards the beds and noticed Hansol waving at me. I gulped. "I-I will come later." I wanted to turn to the door and leave, but Seungkwan turned me back.

"Nonsense, you're always welcome here! And I think I know why are you here," Seungkwan smirked. "I saw you with Jihoon before, so... what did he say? Who is the lucky boy? Dongjin or Samuel!? Tell me everything!"

I laughed a bit. "Stop, Kwan. And it's Samuel." I giggled.

"Awe, I'm so proud of our little boy."

"He is perhaps small, but still he is older than you, Kwan!" I said and Hansol started laughing.

"That's true," Hansol said.

"Shut up, Hansol!"

We both stop laughing because we knew that angry Seungkwan isn't fun at all.

"What's that sad face, Soonyoung? Aren't you happy?"

"Of course, I am, Kwan."

"You should be! You have Seokmin!"

I smiled a little. "Yea... and you have Hansol!"

"Hansol!? That idiot is useless! Seokmin kissed you at least, while that idiot not!"

"You sure?" I smirked.

"Of course! I knew about it! He didn't-"

I tried to not die over them.

Seungkwan's cheeks turned red, he touched his lips gently."

"Finally," Hansol laughed. "I wanted to say just shut up, but I think that was more effective."

"I-I think I'll go because I don't really wanna disturb you, lovebirds." I quickly turned away and left the cottage as fast as possible.

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