Chapter 6

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"I'm choosing a dare," he said enthusiastically. My eyes widened. I gulped and turned slowly to Seungkwan who was smiling the whole time.

"Okay! Kiss him!"

My heart skip one beat. I breathed heavily. My head was twisting. It couldn't be true. Nothing is happening right here. Everything is just my own imagination. Everything is just in my head.

I looked slowly at them and gasped. It has happened. Everything got real! I was watching as Seokmin kissed him on his lips gently. It only took a few seconds, but it seemed like an eternity to me. I couldn't breathe at all. Every breath hurt me. I needed to go away. I needed to go for some fresh air.


I got up quickly, ignoring other members who were looking at me. I needed to go away. I turned around and ran to the nearest door. I opened them, ignoring shouting other members. I heard their worried voices. I was ignoring that. I just left the room. I was running through the hallway until I reached my destination.

The main door.

I quickly opened them and ran out of the building. I've needed to be alone at least for a moment. I heard footsteps approaching. The footsteps were getting closer and closer. I shut my eyes tightly. I flinched a bit as someone laid his hand on my shoulder gently.

"Are you okay?"

His voice. His soft voice. I took a breath and slowly opened my eyes. One tear rushed down my cheek.

He stood in front of me with a soft smile. I noticed that his gaze was full of concern. He wiped the tear from my cheek gently. "Please, don't cry," he said almost inaudibly.

I didn't want to, but I couldn't help myself at all.

I felt so weak all of a sudden. I bowed my head. I tried to stop crying, but the tears just started rushing down my cheeks. My body was shaking a little. I hugged myself tightly.

He caressed my back gently. "It's okay, Soonyoungie," he whispered worriedly.

I shut my eyes once again. I seriously wanted to stop crying, but I couldn't. Why? Why did I even cry?" Why did I cry in front of him again? He had to think I was so weak.

I wiped my tears with my sleeve and tried to make a smile, however, it was a little bit harder than I thought. I didn't feel well at all. I needed to hug someone.

Something has suddenly happened that I didn't even expect. He hugged me. "You need a hug I guess," he whispered in my ear softly.

I felt like I was paralyzed by his voice and his touches. I felt his warm body on mine.

Why did I fall for him? Why did it hurt a lot?

I smiled to myself. I loved him so much, even though I knew he'd never love me. His smile was beautiful. Why? Why I was so stupid?

I suffered because I loved him. I hated my own feelings. They have ruined my whole life. Our debut was getting closer and closer. I was afraid. I needed more time, but it wasn't possible. I had to make choreography for our group. I just needed more time...

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