Chapter 5

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I slowly opened my eyes in the morning and looked around. I noticed Seokmin who was lying next to me on the bed. I flinched a little with myself and sat up quickly.

I turned to him once again and tapped his back a bit. He yawned and, after a moment, opened his eyes. Seokmin also sat up and looked at me with a little grin.

Seokmin broke the silence after a few minutes. "How did you sleep?"

"I- I slept well I think, y- you?"

"I slept well too," he grinned. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine, I guess... But I have a quick question, eh- What are you doing here?"

Seokmin laughed quietly. "Eyy- Sorry... I think I fell asleep here. I didn't wanna leave you alone here and I wanted to stay until you fell asleep."


We went to the common room where the other members were. I sat down on the sofa and Seokmin sat down beside me.

"I think we've been working hard the last few days and we deserve a day off." Seungcheol stood up and looked around at us. "If none of you have any plans," he hesitated. "I would have one."

None of us said anything.

Then Seungcheol continued. "I thought we could spend time together somewhere in nature."

"It's really a good idea, Seungcheol," Seungkwan agreed.

I also agreed and others as well. Seungcheol smiled. He was glad we all agreed with him.

I felt better than yesterday, but I kept thinking about what had happened before. I ruined the whole day. I looked at Seokmin for a moment and smiled to myself. He was always smiling. He was always looking so happy. When I saw his smile I felt suddenly better. He was my healer. I felt it every day when I have been with him. I had feelings for him. I fell in love with him the first day I saw him. But I was sure I was just a friend to him. Seokmin hadn't been just my best friend in a long time, he was something more to me. I got so weak. I couldn't even tell him about my feelings.

A couple of members went to play some games. I was smiling at them the whole time while watching them.

Seokmin came back to me and sat down on the sofa next to me, holding two cans of cola in his hands. "Do you want?"

I grinned and nodded. I took the can from him. "Thanks, Seok."

He chuckled and ruffled my hair. I laughed quietly.

Seokmin watched me with a wild smile the whole time. "I love your laugh, Soonyoungie. "I could listen to your laughter all day."

I felt how my cheeks turned red and I looked quickly away from him.

Why he was so sweet? Why did I love his voice and laughter so much? Why did I fall in love with him?

I flinched with myself when Seokmin gave me a back hug. I really didn't expect it at all. "I love you, Soonyoungie! You're my best friend!"

Why did I feel happy and sad at the same time? Why did my heart hurt when he said I was his best friend? I looked at him once again and noticed his beautiful smile. I smiled back. I wish you could feel what I feel one day.

"Hey! Seokmin! Soonyoung! Don't you two wanna go play games with us!?" Seungkwan shouted all of a sudden. I looked at him and then turned to Seokmin. He grinned. 

"Let's go then," he shouted. Seokmin was always loud. But he was also always sweet to others. He looked like a crazy guy, but his heart was pure.

We sat down with the other members on the ground. I was a little excited. I loved spending time together with members. However, this game was not among my favorites. It was Seungkwan's idea...

"Let's play the truth or dare." Seungkwan seemed really excited. I sighed and gave a little nod.

"Why not?" Seokmin shouted. "I love this game!" He suddenly hugged me full of enthusiasm. I made a fake smile on my face and nervously looked at Seungkwan to make sure he was serious about this game.

Please tell me that this is all just a dream...

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