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The blond groaned at the distant sound of his name being called. Although his eyes were still screwed shut, he was fully aware of the state he was in.

Not a pretty one.

Last night JJ threw a wild party, something he was well known for. The twenty-two year old was loaded with money, more than he knew what to do with, resulting in many killer parties.

Harry was almost always attending. It was an excuse, to forget life, have fun, get intoxicated and do dumb shit. Having only turned eighteen earlier that year, it was surprising just how keen he was. Along with Vik, Harry also wanted to travel as much as possible. So, you bet he jumped at the chance to party out on an island in the Mediterranean.

From what he could remember, the party had gone well. He recalled spending most of his night with his nineteen year old mate, Ethan. The pair often had a great time, their shared interest in alcohol leading them to some interesting experiences.

"Harry? Are you- oh." The earlier voice returned, and now joined him in what he hoped was his room.

"Hi Vik." Mumbled Harry, instantly recognising his voice.

"Hi. How are you? I brought you some water in case you haven't had any yet. Kind of figured you would be awake by now though." A cold bottle of water was placed in his right hand, which he made no effort in moving.

"What time is it." Was what Harry was trying to say, however due to the fact that not only was he sore, tired, and groggy, his face seemed to be against a pillow, it sounded more like "Wot'mssit?"

Reluctantly, he pulled his head from the pillow, propping his upper body up on his elbows. When his eyes adjusted to the sunlight that poured into the room, he realised he actually wasn't in his room. Red solo cups littered the floor, paper towels were strewn all over the place, and there appeared to be a line of- something -on the table beside him.

I didn't... did I?

He sat up fully, throwing his legs off the side of the lounge he was on, coming to the conclusion that he was in one of the games rooms. Vik was sat on an arm-chair not too far from himself, scrolling on his phone and sipping at a water.

This reminded him of his own water, which he opened and drank, thankful his friend had been so thoughtful. Speaking of friends, where were the rest of them?

"Where are the lads?" Croaked Harry, his voice sore.

Please don't tell me I've done Karaoke again.

Vik looked up from his phone, eyes meeting with Harry's.

"JJ is passed out still. Josh is awake but I wouldn't bother him, you know. Massive hangover." Vik explained, emphasising the 'massive'.

"Simon is out by the pool with Tobi, neither of them consumed much last night. And to be honest, I was hoping Ethan was with you."

Alarm shot through Harry at the thought his best friend is missing. He tried to remember more of last night, but the last thing he could think of-

Oh shit.

Without explanation, he dragged himself to his feet and when his balance was steady, he left the room. Navigating the layout, he passed through the big double doors out to the pool deck. After saying a quick hello to both Simon and Tobi, he went around the corner.

A small shed came into view, tucked away behind the side of the retreat. Carefully, he removed the stack of chairs that boarded up the door, and knocked.

"Ethan. It's Harry. You alright lad?"

No response.

"I'm coming in."

He turned the latch, slowly opening the creaky door. The sight he was met with was one he was going to find hard to forget. His best friend sat, butt naked besides from a rainbow flower necklace, holding a half empty bottle of Sambuca.

Harry, noting that thankfully he himself was wearing shorts, slipped them off, so he was only in his boxers.

"Ethan." Harry nudged his passed out friend in the back with his foot a few times.

Ethan rolled to his side, facing Harry. Flickering his eyes open, he looked around in shock before sitting up.

"The fuck happened? Where am I?" His confused glance met Harry's. He seemed to notice the fact that Harry was only in his boxers, before looking down to see himself, bare naked.

"We didn't...?" His face quickly went red and he used his hands to cover himself up. A look of shock was cast to his expression.

"What? Oh! Oh fuck no. Of course not." Harry laughed awkwardly. "Put these on." He threw his shorts at Ethan, who caught them.


Harry waited awkwardly for his friend to get clothed before helping him to his feet.

"You're a state." Ethan commented, noticing his bloodshot blue eyes and more-than-usually messy hair.

"You're one to talk."

"Remind me why I was in there again?"

This caused Harry to laugh as they walked over to the glistening pool.

"You can wait and I'll explain when the others are all here."

Ethan huffed, running his hands through his ginger waves. He took a seat next to Tobi by the pool, taking a water from the cooler.

What a fun story that'll be.

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