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Damp air filled his nostrils as he entered the bar, looking to ease his mind after a long day's work. He had just been at a wedding all day, taking photos, getting the angles right. It was very stressful. Brushing past the crowd, he found an empty seat at the bar, which he hoisted his lanky frame onto.

The bartender came over with a smile. Tobi. His name tag was clipped onto the right side of his apron, a smart and sleek black button up underneath.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation. Just a Baileys with ice, thanks." He ordered. Once again he was met with the bartender's, Tobi's, kind smile.

"Not a problem. We were just discussing the perfect shot anyways." Tobi began to make the desired drink, doing a few bottle flipping tricks along the way.

Shot? Like camera shot? I can take the perfect shot.

Next to him sat a dark bearded man, the guy Tobi must have been talking to. A battered leather jacket clung loosely to his shoulders, giving him a sketchy look.

"I know a thing or two about the perfect shot." He proclaimed, taking his glass from Tobi, carful not to spill his beverage.

The bearded man turned to face him, green eyes immediately catching his attention. The scent of rum lingered heavily in the air, leading him to believe that's what his beverage of choice was.

"Oh really? Why don't you tell us a bit about it?" His voice was deep and husky, words slurred slightly. He wasn't sober. "Josh, by the way." He added.

"Simon." He smiled, shaking Josh's hand. "Well let's start with how you take shots. I feel like straight on is the easiest, as long as the lighting is right." He smiled, remembering the photos he had taken earlier that day, how beautifully the sun shone down to illuminate the area.

Josh sat in thought for a second, taking a few cautious sips of his rum.

"Nah, the best shots are taken from unique angles. The work is always more mysterious and it leaves people wondering how you pulled it off."

Quite smart.

"Too true." The alcohol burnt Simons throat, stinging his eyes as he finished off his glass.

"So," His companion leaned closer, a smirk loose on his face, "What was your best shot?"

Simon smiled, happy that he managed to find someone interested in the craft.

"A family of four. It was pretty recently, you know, just a day out type of thing." Josh nodded in understanding. "What really made it special was that it took them by surprise. Let's just say, it was a very emotional day." Simon reminisced, proud of just how happy the family was when he showed them the results.

Josh hummed in agreement, finishing the rest of his rum. His broad frame was relaxed in his seat as he eyed Simon, listening intently.

"Surprise is always the key, so I say. I got a really nice angle on a couple a few months ago. I'd say it was my best work. Surroundings were perfect, and I got it first try. A quick job, but I'll always remember the look on their faces. I really admire just how quick a good shot can really change the atmosphere."

"Cheers to that." Simon lifted his empty glass before laughing, realising that both men had run out of drink.

"Tobi." Josh waved him over. "Could we get a quick one?"

Tobi came over from where he was occupied serving others, taking their glasses to replace them with two shot glasses.

"Here's my perfect shot." Tobi smiled, watching the men clink their glasses together and down the liquid. Josh then pulls out his buzzing phone.

"I have to go, jobs calling. Thanks Tobi, thanks Simon. Remember, steady hand gets the job done."

Simon smiled and watched as Josh left, the rum scent still lingering in the air. He was quick to miss him, although thankful for just how lucky he was to-

"Uh, Simon?"

"Yeah Tobi?"

Simon looked to the TV in the corner that Tobi had turned up. His blood ran cold.

"Breaking News; England's most wanted serial sniper has killed again in the city of London. This marks the seventeenth death this year that he has caused. If you have seen this man, contact authorities immediately."

The image displayed on the screen and Simon had to squint to see. Green eyes shone through the screen back at him, making his blood run cold.

Fuck. That's Josh.

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