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"So you're saying he assaulted you?"

Vik was the most logical out of his friends, wise in a way that didn't make you feel inferior and so kind that he could make you feel better with a smile.

"Well, he swung at me over nothing."

The room was set up as if Vik was hosting a therapy session, the man sitting neatly on an arm chair opposite Ethan, who was sprawled on the lounge, water in hand. (Vik had offered him one at the door, noticing he didn't look so good).

"I don't think it was nothing. It sounded like you guys had a pretty rough argument, maybe it was called for?"

Ethan just shut his eyes, exhaling. His head was pounding, jaw burning and nose stinging in pain.

The last few hours were replaying in his mind, images flashing through like an old film - images he hopes he will forget.

Vik got a rushed run-down of the argument the moment Ethan stepped into the doorway, immediately taking his friend in and sitting him in the bathroom. He listened to Ethan, patiently waiting for him to calm down while wetting a cloth and grabbing a spare shirt.

Gently, he swabbed the blood away from Ethan's face, trying to avoid the areas of direct impact. Eventually Ethan took over, being more rough and seemingly uncaring towards how much it hurt. This made Vik wince.

Once he was cleaned up, Vik handing him a clean shirt, leaving the bathroom so that he could put it on in privacy.

Now they were in the lounge room and Vik didn't know what more to say.

"So I assume you're not staying at Josh's anymore?" He asked, picking at his engagement ring. The gold band matched nicely with his necklace, something he was very appreciative about.

Another shrug came from Ethan, a defeated look rested unpleasantly on his face.

Vik would be lying if he said he didn't feel sorry for the poor boy.

"I'll tell you what, if you can sort things out with Josh, you can take the spare bedroom here. I don't like my boys fighting. We're family, remember?"

Family doesn't attack each other for no reason, Ethan thought, internally rolling his eyes.

"Yeah Vik, I'll try innit. Only so much I can do, bro."

With a nod, Vik smiled.

He was going to get the guys back on track, even if it meant sharing a house with Ethan for a while.


Simon was tired. It had been a lousy Sidemen shoot, something he wasn't sure even the editors could save. The energy had been completely off, an unusual tense atmosphere that even Kon seemed to pick up on.

However, Simon couldn't put his finger on exactly where the negativity was coming from, until now.

Josh was slouched against the brick in the back parking lot, head down and foot tapping. This was completely out of character for Josh, nothing seemed to bother him this much— ever.

As casual as he could be, Simon walked across the parking lot to his (slightly) older friend, leaning gently on the wall.

"You alright, lad?" He asked, watching as Josh briefly looked up with a straight face. No smile, no frown, completely blank. No indication of his mood.

"O'course. Why wouldn't I be?"

A fake smile was flashed, eyes melting from their ice-like state to give a quick flash of unreadable emotion.

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