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Another day, another Sidemen shoot done and Harry Lewis was sat by the outside stairs of the building, earphones in. His foot was tapping out a rhythm on the concrete, the cold air reminding him of the storm that was to come.

He was startled as the door behind him opened, Ethan, Tobi and Vik coming out.

"Boggo, Uber app is down so we're all catching a lift with Tobi, you coming?" Harry was met with Ethan's smile, the flash of his white teeth showing briefly.

Harry thought about it for a moment, the memory of the last time Tobi was driving crowding through his mind. The yelling at the heavy traffic, the gritted teeth and the constant smacking of the steering wheel - he wasn't sure he could take an hour and a half of that again. Not that his house was that far away, but both Ethan and Vik lived on the other side of London, meaning Tobi would drop them off first.

"Nah, thanks lads. I can get back myself." Harry shot them a reassuring smile before Ethan nodded, calling shotgun at Tobi's car.

Before long, the rain started pattering down, making Harry wonder why he declined the offer. He'd be home by now, tucked up in his bed with the TV on and some hot tea.

With a groan, he pulled himself to his feet, throwing his bag to his shoulders. Exhaustion ached at his limbs as he shook the cramps from them, getting ready to get soaked in the rain. There weren't many cars on the road despite the late afternoon, which was good because it meant that he wouldn't get splashed from passing traffic.

He got to the end of the street when a car passed, headlights on through the rain.


Harry stiffened, eyes widening in alarm as he rushed to take his earphones out. The car pulled up beside him. Maybe it was a fan? He hoped not.

"Harry, what are you doing out here lad?"

The voice was familiar, so he came to the conclusion that it couldn't be a fan. Reluctantly, he stepped closer to the car, hoping to see inside.

Slowly, the drivers window rolled down to reveal Simon, smiling out to the younger boy.

"Oh, hello. Didn't realise it was you." Harry laughed, relieved at the sight of a familiar face - and Simons face at that.

"Hop in. I'm just going back to grab my jumper then I can drop you back home if you'd like."

"Really?" He was surprised at the kind offer that he wouldn't usually get around the guys.

"Yeah, no problem, really."

Harry smiled as he slid into the passenger seat, clicking in his seatbelt. Sheepishly, he looked over to Simon as raindrops fell down his face. He mumbled a 'sorry' as he used his sweater to dry off his hair the best he could so he didn't wet the inside of Simons car.

An awkward silence took ahold of the car as Simon began to drive back down the street, back to where they had done their filming. Harry sat on his phone, scrolling through Twitter when the car stopped.

"Would you mind running in and grabbing it for me, considering you're already..."

Harry quickly nodded his head, taking the key from his older friend.

"Yeah, it's the least I could do."

The car door accidentally slammed shut behind him and he winced, once again apologising. Quickly, he got up the steps and unlocked the door, immediately flicking on the lights. Harry wasn't too good at looking for things considering his bad eyesight, so it took a while before he spotted the black hoodie draped over a stacked-away chair. Clutching onto the soft fabric, he looked at it.

Just a simple Sidemen hoodie, no more, no less, but it was the fact that it was Simons hoodie made it special. It had been on the older man, and had his cologne sprayed on it.

Without thinking, he raised the hoodie to his face and inhaled the masculine scent of Simons cologne - of Simon. A blush came to his cheeks as he realised just what he did. What a silly thing to want to do, right?

Locking up was a little difficult as Harry hugged the precious jumper, keeping it from the rain, but eventually he managed to lock the old door to the building. Walking back to the car, he saw Simon talking to himself, and couldn't help but smile. He made sure to be a lot quieter with the car door when he opened it.

"How is he so handsome?" He heard Simon mumble to himself, and it took a second to process what he had said. He noticed his friend was on the phone, presumably to JJ, whom he usually talked to while waiting.

"I don't know, I personally like to think it's my eyes."

"Oh fuck, Harry... Hi." Simons face instantly went red, quickly hanging up his phone that had a laughing JJ - his guess was right.

Harry just grinned and handed him his hoodie back, pulling his seatbelt on again. He heard Simon mumble a 'thanks' as he pulled on his jumper, not sparing a look to the younger boy in fear of more embarrassment.

The car ride was even more awkward then it was before, Harry having his earphones back in as he looked out the window and Simon driving, occasionally sneaking glances at the younger boy.

Harry was jolted forward as the car came to a stop outside of his apartment building. Taking his seatbelt off, he looked to Simon who had his head deliberately turned the other way.

"Hey, Simon?"

"Yeah Harry?" He finally turned to look at the younger boy, blue eyes meeting blue.

Harry leaned over and gave Simon a quick kiss on the cheek, grinning afterwards. Simon was speechless, his mouth agape.

"I think you're handsome too."

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