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All the ships:
(let me know if I've got any of the names wrong).


Josh x Simon (Minizerk)
- They're both Bisexual, however Josh is a little more gay than he lets on.
- Also, they're both switches, although all the guys like to think that Josh is always the bottom.
- They always get called an 'old married couple', because they act like one.
- These two don't do PDA (public affection), but they'll occasionally hug or give each other a hand squeeze.
- GTA is their favourite game to play together, because they're both good at it.
- However, it does lead to arguments.
- Arguments escalate.
- The arguments either end in sex or a serious talk.
- Simon constantly mocks Josh for being old.
- Can occasionally lead to a half-hearted punch.
- Josh gets physical when angry.
- Simon just leaves.
- Or he goes to JJ, who'll happily hang out with him when he's not busy.
- Josh calls JJ 'Simons other boyfriend' as a joke.
- It doesn't always seem like a joke.
- Naturally, Josh turns to Tobi for advice.
- Tobi does NOT get called 'Josh's other boyfriend.'
- Sometimes JJ and Tobi will get together to rant about Josh and Simon, but it's all jokes.

Josh x JJ (Zerksi)
- JJ 'isn't gay,' but Josh will call him that.
- He's actually pansexual, to be honest he just likes sex.
- Things get rough in the bedroom.
- Josh likes to take the piss out of JJ.
- JJ will bottom when Josh is feeling extra dominant.
- But most of the time Josh let's JJ top.
- Choking is a fun part of their sex life.
- In public they act more like good friends.
- Unless alcohol is involved.
- If it is, JJ gets affectionate and is all over Josh.
- JJ calls Josh old.
- Like, all the time.
- If they get into an argument, it will occasionally get physical.
- Most of the time nothing will bother Josh, he just calms JJ down.
- They'll both rant to Simon about the other.
- The start of their relationship was a bit rocky, neither of them was sure it would work.
- They got there eventually.
- Dates aren't a big thing, but it's usually at a restaurant.
- When JJ isn't busy they go on Holidays a lot.

Josh x Tobi (Zerkjzl)
- Josh came out when Tobi did, said he knew he was Bi for a while though.
- Nobody knew Tobi was gay, but no one really asked.
- He's a very secretive guy.
- He only found out himself the third (or fourth?) time he kissed Josh.
- The first two were dares.
- Josh used to top more, now Tobi does.
- It's very gentle, slow and passionate sex.
- Occasionally they'll go hard though, Josh likes those times.
- It started out heavily as a FWB situation, because Tobi has commitment issues.
- He came to Josh crying one night and Josh soothed him, that's when they made it official.
- Consists a lot of cuddling.
- They hold hands in public, and hug as usual.
- Had a few gay experiences as they were growing up together, but thought nothing of it.
- There isn't hate sex.
- They sit and work things out together.
- They're a team.
- Josh drives them places, although he does like to laugh at Tobi's road rages.
- Tobi teaches him FIFA.
- Josh teaches him COD.
- Their dates are either sophisticated and fancy or they're chilling and watching a movie.
- It's not often that they argue at all, usually it's only something silly that disperses quickly.

Josh x Ethan (Behzerka)
- Ethan has internalised homophobia.
- Josh could see he was gay, and confronted him.
- They we're drunk and Ethan was confused.
- Josh kissed him and asked if he knew now.
- Ethan was dazed but told him he has feelings for guys but not to tell anyone.
- Josh agreed but accidentally outed him anyways.
- Ethan was alright with it though.
- Josh tops, but sometimes Ethan is a power bottom.
- Maybe just a brat.
- Example: Josh slaps him, he slaps Josh back.
- Josh is always making sexual innuendos but Ethan pretends he has no idea what's going on.
- He gets flustered.
- Quick hand/blowjobs are a fairly big part of their relationship.
- Ethan pushes Josh around when he's angry, but Josh takes the piss until he apologises.
- If Ethan doesn't apologise, Josh refuses anything sexual until he does.
- Ethan is stubborn, so they don't do anything sexual for about a week.
- He comes running back anyways.
- Ethan admires Josh, how masculine he is.
- Sometimes he gets jealous.
- Josh helps him to not be insecure and jealous.
- They work out together.
- Ethan hates Josh for putting him on the bad team, and takes it out on him in the bedroom.
- In public, Josh will hold Ethan's hips, or subtly let others know that's they're together.
- Snuggling to sleep almost every night.

Josh x Vik (Zerkstar)
- Vik is gay, which used to be jokes about a lot out of the boys.
- Josh is a top but Vik will definitely power bottom
- They're pretty vanilla but will occasionally do restraints and stuff.
- Both are very responsible with their money, so only smart decisions are made.
- Vik gets sick a lot, Josh takes care of him.
- Josh and Vik learnt to cook together to save money.
- This leads to them getting messy.
- They'll both clean up though.
- Vik gets frustrated but tends to not take it out on Josh.
- He tried to laugh it off, but sometimes it goes too far and he goes to his room.
- Sometimes he goes to the gym to blow off steam though.
- He will come crawling back to Josh for cuddles and apologise.
- Josh just goes quiet when he's mad at Vik.
- Most of the time they can just talk about their problems.
- Very responsible men.
- Vik wasn't sure about sharing a bed, he tends to like his own space.
- Josh is more than ok with that.
- They play COD together, often teaming up against the rest of the boys.
- Its not fair, but it's fun.
- Dates are sophisticated, usually at a nice restaurant or at a cinema.
- Sometimes a bar, where they go to relax and get drunk together.
- Tobi comes to take care of them.
- Tobi likes this couple the most, and is often invited to hang out with them.

Josh x Harry (Wroetozerk)
- Harry is bisexual, verging more towards the gay side.
- Harry bottoms.
- Teasing is a big part of their sex life.
- Harry has panic attacks and Josh is always there.
- If he isn't, he gets called.
- Josh knows how to take care of him when it happens.
- He doesn't usually talk about his own panic attacks, and Harry didn't know he had them until a conversation with Tobi.
- They're not brought up a lot, but Josh is good with dealing with them on his own.
- Harry makes jokes to lighten things up.
- Josh gets called old.
- All the time.
- They're both big softies.
- Josh and Harry are polar opposites when it comes to be responsible.
- Especially with money.
- Josh has to remind Harry that he doesn't need to buy the thousand dollar stuffed toy that's going to sit in the corner of his room forever.

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