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"Harry's so easy dude." Lockers slammed shut around the tall male, making his voice only audible to his friend who stood, phone in hand, leaning against the brick beside the locker row. The statement got his attention as the gold-cased phone was shoved into his pocket, eyebrow raising slightly.

"Which one's that?"

Shaking his head, Simon let out a snort. Very in character of his friend to forget names and faces, he'd forget his own if he wasn't so vain.

"Blond kid about your height, grade below us and two years younger. Got moved up?" It was clear that the description didn't ring any bells as JJ just shook his head, face as blank as ever, eyes trained to the floor in thought. "Same year as Vikram Barn..?"

Gears in his mind started turning, descriptions matching faces and connecting to names as if there was some sort of mental puzzle piecing itself together. Suddenly, he nodded before his face shot up in surprise, brown eyes meeting blue.

"Lewis? Simon, did you guys fuck?"

This caught the attention of a shorter boy, passing by with his head down. He paused, taking out an earphone before stopping a few lockers down to listen in.

Simon only raised his eyebrows in a smirk before looking away. Long arms folded against his chest as his counterpart laughed, eyes wide and voice loud.

"Nah, I'm kidding. It was just a blowie. Only took lunch, couple joints and the promise of a passing grade on his social studies test."

This shocked the younger boy who adjusted his hood, trying to look casual while hiding his growing anger and disbelief. He ran a hand through his ginger hair, frowning at the boisterous laughter that could only belong to JJ.

Laughter quieting down, a serious look took ahold of JJ's face, other than his mouth that was still upturned in a smile.

"Joints? Fam, you're making him sound like Bradley." JJ shook his head, dreadlocks bouncing underneath his bandana. "Wait. You're shit at social studies."

"How dare you." Simon snorted, pretending to take offence to the remark. After seeing his friend roll his eyes, he broke out into another smirk. "Gotta give Barn something to do, after all. We don't pay him for nothing."

JJ laughed at the joke - they didn't pay Vik anything. Well, unless not beating him up was some form of payment, that is. His eyes met Simons again before he settled, a realisation coming to mind.

"Jesus, Si. It's starting to sound like you've got a whole operation going."

With another smirk, Simon shrugged, fingers pulling out a joint from his pocket. It was lit, his lips wrapping around the paper to take a drag after he was sure there were no teachers around.

"Doesn't take a genius to run things around here, Jide." He put on a fake mafia boss accent, passing the joint to awaiting hands.

JJ took a drag, turning to pick up his bag as they got ready to go. They had a deal to get to at break, having to find Vik and sort out another kid who failed to pay them last week.

Pushing off the locker, the shorter kid caught up to them as they went to leave.

"Lads, wait—" He took ahold of JJ's shoulder, regretting it as soon as the taller male turned around.

"Fuck off, Ethan."

A pain shot up his spine as Ethan was thrown against a locker, taken slightly off guard at the abrupt movement. "It's about Harry."

Ethan's arms shot up awkwardly as Simon stepped towards him, preparing for a strike to the gut. When he noticed that no punch came, he slowly lowered his arms.

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