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It was a struggle to admit to himself that he was turned on, especially considering the situation he found himself in.

The music thudded in the distance, a hint at the party happening just inside those doors. In any normal circumstance, Ethan would be inside doing shots and dancing, getting into petty bar fights and making memories with his friends. Instead he was sat against the bathroom outer-wall, aimlessly running his tattooed fingers through his ginger curls.

He convinced himself, well - Josh convinced him, that he needed the air and so he was missing out on the fun inside. Josh wasn't wrong, it was probably a good idea that Ethan was sat outside, considering the fight he had gotten into.

One of his best friends, Harry Lewis (always being the abusive drunk he is) made the mistake of shoving him just a little too hard at a wall. Now Ethan, being the hothead he is (along with the alcohol to fuzz up his mind) retaliated. Harsh words were slurred drunkenly at each other, heading straight for the insecurities. It would have escalated into a punch-on if Josh and Tobi hadn't intervened. Peace was shortly made, at the cost of Ethan being the one to go 'cool off', while Harry got to stay.

Head spinning, he took out his phone. Not a very smart thing to do when you're drunk, but it was something to do, none-the-less. Straight to Instagram, he tapped at the purple and green rings at the top of his screen, watching various friends' stories. He tapped through them until he got to one that had been taken that night. It was none other than Harry's.

Eyes widening, he watched as a shaky recording of both himself and Callux sat, laughing closely together. It captured a prolonged moment of Ethan looking to Callum's lips before licking his own.

That was definitely out of context...

He couldn't recall the video being taken but he almost threw his phone as he read the caption.

"A bit gay, lads. Ethan trying to get some haha."

The fuck? Why am I being attacked? I'm not

The double doors of the building in front of him swung open, soon slamming shut with a loud 'thud'. Squinting, he tried to focus his eyes on just who walked out, but from his angle on the ground and the amount of alcohol in his system, he struggled to see more than a couple meters in front of him. A figure walked towards him - or rather, towards the bathroom behind him.

Quickly, he stood up on uneasy legs, finger still held down on the Instagram story. After his vision focused, he realised that it was Harry.

Why is he everywhere?

"What... what do the fuck you think this is?" His words jumped together, refusing to unscramble in his foggy mind. A hand held out his phone, trying to show the story culprit what he meant. Blue eyes just stared back at him, quickly darting to the screen, then back.

"What? Can't you read now?" Snapped Harry, his words managing to come out clearer than Ethan's.

Ethan dropped his hand, instinctively sliding the phone back to his pocket. Carefully, he took a step closer to the boy, who was stood with his arms crossed.

"Can read. Fuck you, you know. Why are you... here. Why come out-"

"To piss, you fucking wanker. Move your ass out of my fucking way." A hand pushed Ethan to the side, the words falling upon his ears. Frowning, his gaze followed Harry as he went into the bathroom.

I'm not having that.

Marching into the small bathroom, he allowed the metal door to slam behind him. To his surprise, he quickly realised that Harry had taken his shirt off.

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