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"You've changed."

Tobi stopped on the familiar, dust-ridden footpath. It was one that he and Josh would walk on, to, and from school, each day without fail. One that held so many memories and stories, non-physical footprints forever engraved within the warm atmosphere of reminiscence. Today, however, as the pair were on their way back from another long day at school, the warmth was replaced with a dull chill, only enhanced by the windy London weather.

An unusual tensity rose in the air as Josh only walked on, seemingly unfazed by his best friend's statement. But Tobi was tired of making excuses for Josh and plastering over any imperfections of the friendship with exaggerated logic. He was tired of being ignored.

"Josh, stop." His voice came out strong, the stern words were very foreign to his usual kind softness.
Already fed up with the sight of his best friend's back, Tobi reached out to Josh's shoulder, the firm grip being enough to halt him. He turned to meet Tobi's gaze, shaking off his hand.

"Why have you changed Josh? I can't take being left in the dark for much longer man, please." Softness returned to the shorter male's voice, perhaps even a slight begging tone took hold for a moment. He was desperate for answers, for something other than a shrug.

"Sorry lad, no idea what you're on about." Josh put it simply, smiling at Tobi. A fake smile, Tobi concluded. He knew how his best mate of so many years smiled. From a goofy, tooth-filled grin, to a reassuring curl of his lips, Tobi knew when Josh genuinely smiled. And something saddened inside as he saw the forced, cold smile Josh had briefly given him.

Disbelief grew over Tobi, twisting vines engulfing his mind before turning into anger. Fingernails dug into his skin as he tightened the fist he made out of the hand Josh had discarded from his shoulder.

"No idea what I'm on about?" The words spat from his mouth like a toxic poison, anger threatening to take control. A breath was needed to steady his thoughts. "You're not the same Josh who I became close friends with all those years ago. You wanna know why? Because the Josh I knew didn't shut me out, he didn't fake smiles, he didn't do drugs, or leave school, or throw his life away! The Josh I knew-"

"The Josh you knew was weak. He was pathetic and vulnerable. He was a pussy. You're always free to fuck right off, Tobi." Josh interrupted, the blank expression not once leaving his face as his words met Tobi's ears.

A moment of silence was shared between the two as they stood, tension escalating as they just stared into each other's eyes, almost daring the other to look away.

"Fuck you, man. I don't know who you are anymore. I... I don't want to know you anymore." Breaking the silence, Tobi's voice shook in a way he hadn't wanted, almost as if he were scared. Scared of what he was saying, what he was thinking.

"Alright. Looks like we're done here then, stranger." Josh replied coldly, hitting Tobi's shoulder as he left, almost a reminder of the realness the situation held.

Any words that came to the boy had gotten caught in his throat, like barricades preventing any sound. Despite his heart's protest, he could only stand and watch as Josh walked away, from their conversation, their memories, their friendship.

Tobi finds himself wishing there was more he could say.

But then again, how could you voice the pain of watching your best friend become a stranger?

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