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How do people not find these things cringe as fuck? I don't need to keep some diary like a girl to write down all my ThoUghTs and FeElInGs. How fucking pathetic.

Realistically, no one's is going to read this shit, so I don't have to write in it. Ironic as I'm writing in it now, but understand that this is forced. The teacher is looming over my shoulder like I need to be babysat or something.

It's stupid.

Not sure how much I need to write in this before the teacher is satisfied. Wish I could drop out already.

But no, I'm dragged to school every single fucking day to deal with the same rejects, just to go home again, sleep, and repeat. Boring.

Speaking of rejects, I've heard JJ and Simon also have little diaries. How cute.

Bet they talk all about how much they want to suck each other off, how in love with each other they are. Everyone can see how close they are.

I want to read their diaries.

If I could get my hands on them, it'd be gold. They'd be finished and maybe I'd finally get them to move schools.

I wonder who else has a diary. I think I could guess.

Going along with the Rejects theme, there are a few other students who are probably getting the same 'therapy' shit that I am. I know Tobi is, so he has a book as well. (Not that Tobi and I are rejects, he just has some attendance issues and I got forced into it).

That makes four of us so far, there's got to be more.

I've seen this loner kid by himself at the library before, he's probably on a book too. He's a total neek, always studying or reading. I like to go over and put sticky notes around his seat sometimes, with friendly little notes. I don't think he's noticed them, maybe someone else has been taking them.

I'll soon find out who else has a book.

Now that I think about it actually, I remember the teacher saying something about having us return the books every week or so, just so he can see where we're up to and "not read what you've wrote". Sure, I totally believe that he's not going to snoop through this shit.

Matter of fact, if you are reading this, Mr A, fuck you. I'm glad your wife cheated on you, you deserve it. I bet you were so miserable after it happened that you decided to try and kill yourself. It didn't work, did it?

That's right, I know about the pills. I know everything.

I will find out. Everything.

- Bradley.

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